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  • sibidharan/api-development-course-apr-2021
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  • GopiKrishnan/api-development-course-apr-2021
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SET BIN_TARGET=%~dp0/carbon
php "%BIN_TARGET%" %*
"name": "nesbot/carbon",
"type": "library",
"description": "An API extension for DateTime that supports 281 different languages.",
"keywords": [
"homepage": "",
"support": {
"issues": "",
"source": ""
"license": "MIT",
"authors": [
"name": "Brian Nesbitt",
"email": "",
"homepage": ""
"name": "kylekatarnls",
"homepage": ""
"prefer-stable": true,
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"bin": ["bin/carbon"],
"require": {
"php": "^7.1.8 || ^8.0",
"ext-json": "*",
"symfony/polyfill-mbstring": "^1.0",
"symfony/translation": "^3.4 || ^4.0 || ^5.0"
"require-dev": {
"doctrine/orm": "^2.7",
"friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2.14 || ^3.0",
"kylekatarnls/multi-tester": "^2.0",
"phpmd/phpmd": "^2.9",
"phpstan/extension-installer": "^1.0",
"phpstan/phpstan": "^0.12.54",
"phpunit/phpunit": "^7.5.20 || ^8.5.14",
"squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.4"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Carbon\\": "src/Carbon/"
"autoload-dev": {
"files": [
"psr-4": {
"Tests\\": "tests/"
"config": {
"process-timeout": 0,
"sort-packages": true
"scripts": {
"test": [
"style-check": [
"phpunit": "phpunit --verbose",
"phpcs": "php-cs-fixer fix -v --diff --dry-run",
"phpstan": "phpstan analyse --configuration phpstan.neon",
"phpmd": "phpmd src text /phpmd.xml",
"phpdoc": "php phpdoc.php"
"extra": {
"branch-alias": {
"dev-master": "2.x-dev",
"dev-3.x": "3.x-dev"
"laravel": {
"providers": [
"phpstan": {
"includes": [
# Contributing to Carbon
## Issue Contributions
Please report any security issue using [Tidelift security contact](
Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure.
Please don't disclose security bugs publicly until they have been handled by us.
For any other bug or issue, please click this link and follow the template:
[Create new issue](
You may think this template does not apply to your case but please think again. A long description will never be as
clear as a code chunk with the output you expect from it (for either bug report or new features).
## Code Contributions
### Where to begin
We use the label **good first issue** to tag issues that could be a good fit for new contributors, see if there are such issues now following this link:
Else, check the roadmap to see what we plan to do in next releases:
### Develop locally, then submit changes
Fork the [GitHub project]( and download it locally:
git clone<username>/Carbon.git
cd Carbon
git remote add upstream
Replace `<username>` with your GitHub username.
Then, you can work on the master or create a specific branch for your development:
git checkout -b my-feature-branch -t origin/master
You can now edit the "Carbon" directory contents.
Before committing, please set your name and your e-mail (use the same e-mail address as in your GitHub account):
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""
The ```--global``` argument will apply this setting for all your git repositories, remove it to set only your Carbon
fork with those settings.
Now you can commit your modifications as you usually do with git:
git add --all
git commit -m "The commit message log"
If your patch fixes an open issue, please insert ```#``` immediately followed by the issue number:
git commit -m "#21 Fix this or that"
Use git rebase (not git merge) to sync your work from time to time:
git fetch origin
git rebase origin/master
Please add some tests for bug fixes and features (so it will ensure next developments will not break your code),
then check all is right with phpunit:
Install PHP if you haven't yet, then install composer:
Update dependencies:
./composer.phar update
Or if you installed composer globally:
composer update
Then call phpunit:
Make sure all tests succeed before submitting your pull-request, else we will not be able to merge it.
Push your work on your remote GitHub fork with:
git push origin my-feature-branch
Go to and select your feature branch. Click the 'Pull Request' button and fill
out the form.
We will review it within a few days. And we thank you in advance for your help.
## Versioning
### Note about Semantic Versioning and breaking changes
As a developer, you must understand every change is a breaking change. What is a bug for someone
is expected in someone else's workflow. The consequence of a change strongly depends on the usage.
[Semantic Versioning]( relies to public API. In PHP, the public API of a class is its public
methods. However, if you extend a class, you can access protected methods, then if you use reflexion, you can
access private methods. So anything can become a public API if you force it to be. That doesn't mean we should handle
any possible usage, else we would have to publish a major release for each change and it would no longer make sense.
So before any complain about a breaking change, be warned, we do not guarantee a strict Semantic Versioning as you
may expect, we're following a pragmatic interpretation of Semantic Versioning that allows the software to evolve in a
reliable way with reasonable maintenance effort.
Concretely, we consider a change as breaking if it makes fail one of our unit test. We will do our best to avoid
incompatibilities with libraries that extends Carbon classes (such as Laravel that is continuously tested thanks to
Travis CI, [see the compatibility matrix](
If you're the owner of a library that strongly depends on Carbon, we recommend you to run unit tests daily requiring
`"nesbot/carbon": "dev-master"` (for `^2`) or `"nesbot/carbon": ""` (for `^1`), this way you can
detect incompatibilities earlier and report it to us before we tag a release. We'll pay attention and try to fix it to
make update to next minor releases as soft as possible.
We reserve the right to publish emergency patches within 24 hours after a release if a tag that does not respect
this pattern would have been released despite our vigilance. In this very rare and particular case, we would mark the
tag as broken on GitHub and backward compatibility would be based on previous stable tag.
Last, you must understand that Carbon extends PHP natives classes, that means Carbon can be impacted by any change
that occurs in the date/time API of PHP. We watch new PHP versions and handle those changes as quickly as possible
when detected, but as PHP does not follow the semantic versioning pattern, it basically means any releases (including
patches) can have unexpected consequences on Carbon methods results.
### Long term support
To benefit the better support, require Carbon using major version range (`^1` or `^2`). By requiring `1.26.*`,
`~1.26.0` or limited range such as `>=1.20 <1.33`, you fall to low priority support (only security and critical issues
will be fixed), our prior support goes to next minor releases of each major version. It applies to bug fixes and
low-cost features. Other new features will only be added in the last stable release. At the opposite, we recommend you
to restrain to a major number, as there is no compatibility guarantee from a major version to the next. It means
requiring `>=2`, as it allows any newer version, will probably leads to errors on releasing our next major version.
Open milestones can be patched if a minor bug is detected while if you're on a closed milestone, we'll more likely
ask you to update first to an open one. See currently open milestones:
class: Carbon\PHPStan\MacroExtension
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="Mess detection rules for Carbon"
Mess detection rules for Carbon
<rule ref="rulesets/codesize.xml">
<exclude name="CyclomaticComplexity" />
<exclude name="NPathComplexity" />
<exclude name="ExcessiveMethodLength" />
<exclude name="ExcessiveClassLength" />
<exclude name="ExcessivePublicCount" />
<exclude name="TooManyMethods" />
<exclude name="TooManyPublicMethods" />
<exclude name="ExcessiveClassComplexity" />
<rule ref="rulesets/cleancode.xml">
<exclude name="BooleanArgumentFlag" />
<exclude name="StaticAccess" />
<exclude name="IfStatementAssignment" />
<exclude name="UndefinedVariable" />
<exclude name="ErrorControlOperator" />
<rule ref="rulesets/controversial.xml" />
<rule ref="rulesets/design.xml">
<exclude name="EvalExpression" />
<exclude name="CouplingBetweenObjects" />
<exclude name="CountInLoopExpression" />
<rule ref="rulesets/design.xml/CouplingBetweenObjects">
<property name="maximum" value="25" />
<rule ref="rulesets/naming.xml/ShortVariable">
<property name="exceptions" value="ci,id,to,tz" />
<rule ref="rulesets/unusedcode.xml" />
# Carbon
[![Latest Stable Version](](
[![Total Downloads](](
[![GitHub Actions](](
An international PHP extension for DateTime. [](
use Carbon\Carbon;
printf("Right now is %s", Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString());
printf("Right now in Vancouver is %s", Carbon::now('America/Vancouver')); //implicit __toString()
$tomorrow = Carbon::now()->addDay();
$lastWeek = Carbon::now()->subWeek();
$nextSummerOlympics = Carbon::createFromDate(2016)->addYears(4);
$officialDate = Carbon::now()->toRfc2822String();
$howOldAmI = Carbon::createFromDate(1975, 5, 21)->age;
$noonTodayLondonTime = Carbon::createFromTime(12, 0, 0, 'Europe/London');
$internetWillBlowUpOn = Carbon::create(2038, 01, 19, 3, 14, 7, 'GMT');
// Don't really want this to happen so mock now
Carbon::setTestNow(Carbon::createFromDate(2000, 1, 1));
// comparisons are always done in UTC
if (Carbon::now()->gte($internetWillBlowUpOn)) {
// Phew! Return to normal behaviour
if (Carbon::now()->isWeekend()) {
echo 'Party!';
// Over 200 languages (and over 500 regional variants) supported:
echo Carbon::now()->subMinutes(2)->diffForHumans(); // '2 minutes ago'
echo Carbon::now()->subMinutes(2)->locale('zh_CN')->diffForHumans(); // '2分钟前'
echo Carbon::parse('2019-07-23 14:51')->isoFormat('LLLL'); // 'Tuesday, July 23, 2019 2:51 PM'
echo Carbon::parse('2019-07-23 14:51')->locale('fr_FR')->isoFormat('LLLL'); // 'mardi 23 juillet 2019 14:51'
// ... but also does 'from now', 'after' and 'before'
// rolling up to seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years
$daysSinceEpoch = Carbon::createFromTimestamp(0)->diffInDays();
[Get supported nesbot/carbon with the Tidelift Subscription](
## Installation
### With Composer
$ composer require nesbot/carbon
"require": {
"nesbot/carbon": "^2.16"
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Carbon\Carbon;
printf("Now: %s", Carbon::now());
### Without Composer
Why are you not using [composer]( Download the Carbon [latest release]( and put the contents of the ZIP archive into a directory in your project. Then require the file `autoload.php` to get all classes and dependencies loaded on need.
require 'path-to-Carbon-directory/autoload.php';
use Carbon\Carbon;
printf("Now: %s", Carbon::now());
## Docs
## Security contact information
To report a security vulnerability, please use the
[Tidelift security contact](
Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure.
## Credits
### Contributors
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a>
### Translators
[Thanks to people helping us to translate Carbon in so many languages](
### Backers
Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [[Become a backer](]
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
### Sponsors
Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Become a sponsor](]
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
## Carbon for enterprise
Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription.
The maintainers of ``Carbon`` and thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver commercial support and maintenance for the open source dependencies you use to build your applications. Save time, reduce risk, and improve code health, while paying the maintainers of the exact dependencies you use. [Learn more.](
* This file is part of the Carbon package.
* (c) Brian Nesbitt <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Carbon;
use Carbon\Traits\Date;
use DateTime;
use DateTimeInterface;
use DateTimeZone;
* A simple API extension for DateTime.
* <autodoc generated by `composer phpdoc`>
* @property int $year
* @property int $yearIso
* @property int $month
* @property int $day
* @property int $hour
* @property int $minute
* @property int $second
* @property int $micro
* @property int $microsecond
* @property int|float|string $timestamp seconds since the Unix Epoch
* @property string $englishDayOfWeek the day of week in English
* @property string $shortEnglishDayOfWeek the abbreviated day of week in English
* @property string $englishMonth the month in English
* @property string $shortEnglishMonth the abbreviated month in English
* @property string $localeDayOfWeek the day of week in current locale LC_TIME
* @property string $shortLocaleDayOfWeek the abbreviated day of week in current locale LC_TIME
* @property string $localeMonth the month in current locale LC_TIME
* @property string $shortLocaleMonth the abbreviated month in current locale LC_TIME
* @property int $milliseconds
* @property int $millisecond
* @property int $milli
* @property int $week 1 through 53
* @property int $isoWeek 1 through 53
* @property int $weekYear year according to week format
* @property int $isoWeekYear year according to ISO week format
* @property int $dayOfYear 1 through 366
* @property int $age does a diffInYears() with default parameters
* @property int $offset the timezone offset in seconds from UTC
* @property int $offsetMinutes the timezone offset in minutes from UTC
* @property int $offsetHours the timezone offset in hours from UTC
* @property CarbonTimeZone $timezone the current timezone
* @property CarbonTimeZone $tz alias of $timezone
* @property-read int $dayOfWeek 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday)
* @property-read int $dayOfWeekIso 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
* @property-read int $weekOfYear ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday
* @property-read int $daysInMonth number of days in the given month
* @property-read string $latinMeridiem "am"/"pm" (Ante meridiem or Post meridiem latin lowercase mark)
* @property-read string $latinUpperMeridiem "AM"/"PM" (Ante meridiem or Post meridiem latin uppercase mark)
* @property-read string $timezoneAbbreviatedName the current timezone abbreviated name
* @property-read string $tzAbbrName alias of $timezoneAbbreviatedName
* @property-read string $dayName long name of weekday translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
* @property-read string $shortDayName short name of weekday translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
* @property-read string $minDayName very short name of weekday translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
* @property-read string $monthName long name of month translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
* @property-read string $shortMonthName short name of month translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
* @property-read string $meridiem lowercase meridiem mark translated according to Carbon locale, in latin if no translation available for current language
* @property-read string $upperMeridiem uppercase meridiem mark translated according to Carbon locale, in latin if no translation available for current language
* @property-read int $noZeroHour current hour from 1 to 24
* @property-read int $weeksInYear 51 through 53
* @property-read int $isoWeeksInYear 51 through 53
* @property-read int $weekOfMonth 1 through 5
* @property-read int $weekNumberInMonth 1 through 5
* @property-read int $firstWeekDay 0 through 6
* @property-read int $lastWeekDay 0 through 6
* @property-read int $daysInYear 365 or 366
* @property-read int $quarter the quarter of this instance, 1 - 4
* @property-read int $decade the decade of this instance
* @property-read int $century the century of this instance
* @property-read int $millennium the millennium of this instance
* @property-read bool $dst daylight savings time indicator, true if DST, false otherwise
* @property-read bool $local checks if the timezone is local, true if local, false otherwise
* @property-read bool $utc checks if the timezone is UTC, true if UTC, false otherwise
* @property-read string $timezoneName the current timezone name
* @property-read string $tzName alias of $timezoneName
* @property-read string $locale locale of the current instance
* @method bool isUtc() Check if the current instance has UTC timezone. (Both isUtc and isUTC cases are valid.)
* @method bool isLocal() Check if the current instance has non-UTC timezone.
* @method bool isValid() Check if the current instance is a valid date.
* @method bool isDST() Check if the current instance is in a daylight saving time.
* @method bool isSunday() Checks if the instance day is sunday.
* @method bool isMonday() Checks if the instance day is monday.
* @method bool isTuesday() Checks if the instance day is tuesday.
* @method bool isWednesday() Checks if the instance day is wednesday.
* @method bool isThursday() Checks if the instance day is thursday.
* @method bool isFriday() Checks if the instance day is friday.
* @method bool isSaturday() Checks if the instance day is saturday.
* @method bool isSameYear(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same year as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentYear() Checks if the instance is in the same year as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextYear() Checks if the instance is in the same year as the current moment next year.
* @method bool isLastYear() Checks if the instance is in the same year as the current moment last year.
* @method bool isSameWeek(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same week as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentWeek() Checks if the instance is in the same week as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextWeek() Checks if the instance is in the same week as the current moment next week.
* @method bool isLastWeek() Checks if the instance is in the same week as the current moment last week.
* @method bool isSameDay(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same day as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentDay() Checks if the instance is in the same day as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextDay() Checks if the instance is in the same day as the current moment next day.
* @method bool isLastDay() Checks if the instance is in the same day as the current moment last day.
* @method bool isSameHour(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same hour as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentHour() Checks if the instance is in the same hour as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextHour() Checks if the instance is in the same hour as the current moment next hour.
* @method bool isLastHour() Checks if the instance is in the same hour as the current moment last hour.
* @method bool isSameMinute(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same minute as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentMinute() Checks if the instance is in the same minute as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextMinute() Checks if the instance is in the same minute as the current moment next minute.
* @method bool isLastMinute() Checks if the instance is in the same minute as the current moment last minute.
* @method bool isSameSecond(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same second as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentSecond() Checks if the instance is in the same second as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextSecond() Checks if the instance is in the same second as the current moment next second.
* @method bool isLastSecond() Checks if the instance is in the same second as the current moment last second.
* @method bool isSameMicro(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same microsecond as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentMicro() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextMicro() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment next microsecond.
* @method bool isLastMicro() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment last microsecond.
* @method bool isSameMicrosecond(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same microsecond as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentMicrosecond() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextMicrosecond() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment next microsecond.
* @method bool isLastMicrosecond() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment last microsecond.
* @method bool isCurrentMonth() Checks if the instance is in the same month as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextMonth() Checks if the instance is in the same month as the current moment next month.
* @method bool isLastMonth() Checks if the instance is in the same month as the current moment last month.
* @method bool isCurrentQuarter() Checks if the instance is in the same quarter as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextQuarter() Checks if the instance is in the same quarter as the current moment next quarter.
* @method bool isLastQuarter() Checks if the instance is in the same quarter as the current moment last quarter.
* @method bool isSameDecade(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same decade as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentDecade() Checks if the instance is in the same decade as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextDecade() Checks if the instance is in the same decade as the current moment next decade.
* @method bool isLastDecade() Checks if the instance is in the same decade as the current moment last decade.
* @method bool isSameCentury(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same century as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentCentury() Checks if the instance is in the same century as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextCentury() Checks if the instance is in the same century as the current moment next century.
* @method bool isLastCentury() Checks if the instance is in the same century as the current moment last century.
* @method bool isSameMillennium(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same millennium as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentMillennium() Checks if the instance is in the same millennium as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextMillennium() Checks if the instance is in the same millennium as the current moment next millennium.
* @method bool isLastMillennium() Checks if the instance is in the same millennium as the current moment last millennium.
* @method $this years(int $value) Set current instance year to the given value.
* @method $this year(int $value) Set current instance year to the given value.
* @method $this setYears(int $value) Set current instance year to the given value.
* @method $this setYear(int $value) Set current instance year to the given value.
* @method $this months(int $value) Set current instance month to the given value.
* @method $this month(int $value) Set current instance month to the given value.
* @method $this setMonths(int $value) Set current instance month to the given value.
* @method $this setMonth(int $value) Set current instance month to the given value.
* @method $this days(int $value) Set current instance day to the given value.
* @method $this day(int $value) Set current instance day to the given value.
* @method $this setDays(int $value) Set current instance day to the given value.
* @method $this setDay(int $value) Set current instance day to the given value.
* @method $this hours(int $value) Set current instance hour to the given value.
* @method $this hour(int $value) Set current instance hour to the given value.
* @method $this setHours(int $value) Set current instance hour to the given value.
* @method $this setHour(int $value) Set current instance hour to the given value.
* @method $this minutes(int $value) Set current instance minute to the given value.
* @method $this minute(int $value) Set current instance minute to the given value.
* @method $this setMinutes(int $value) Set current instance minute to the given value.
* @method $this setMinute(int $value) Set current instance minute to the given value.
* @method $this seconds(int $value) Set current instance second to the given value.
* @method $this second(int $value) Set current instance second to the given value.
* @method $this setSeconds(int $value) Set current instance second to the given value.
* @method $this setSecond(int $value) Set current instance second to the given value.
* @method $this millis(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
* @method $this milli(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
* @method $this setMillis(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
* @method $this setMilli(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
* @method $this milliseconds(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
* @method $this millisecond(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
* @method $this setMilliseconds(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
* @method $this setMillisecond(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
* @method $this micros(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
* @method $this micro(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
* @method $this setMicros(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
* @method $this setMicro(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
* @method $this microseconds(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
* @method $this microsecond(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
* @method $this setMicroseconds(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
* @method $this setMicrosecond(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
* @method $this addYears(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addYear() Add one year to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subYears(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subYear() Sub one year to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addYearsWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this addYearWithOverflow() Add one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this subYearsWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this subYearWithOverflow() Sub one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this addYearsWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addYearWithoutOverflow() Add one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subYearsWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subYearWithoutOverflow() Sub one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addYearsWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addYearWithNoOverflow() Add one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subYearsWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subYearWithNoOverflow() Sub one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addYearsNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addYearNoOverflow() Add one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subYearsNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subYearNoOverflow() Sub one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addMonths(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addMonth() Add one month to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subMonths(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subMonth() Sub one month to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addMonthsWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this addMonthWithOverflow() Add one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this subMonthsWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this subMonthWithOverflow() Sub one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this addMonthsWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addMonthWithoutOverflow() Add one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subMonthsWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subMonthWithoutOverflow() Sub one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addMonthsWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addMonthWithNoOverflow() Add one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subMonthsWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subMonthWithNoOverflow() Sub one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addMonthsNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addMonthNoOverflow() Add one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subMonthsNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subMonthNoOverflow() Sub one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addDays(int $value = 1) Add days (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addDay() Add one day to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subDays(int $value = 1) Sub days (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subDay() Sub one day to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addHours(int $value = 1) Add hours (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addHour() Add one hour to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subHours(int $value = 1) Sub hours (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subHour() Sub one hour to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addMinutes(int $value = 1) Add minutes (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addMinute() Add one minute to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subMinutes(int $value = 1) Sub minutes (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subMinute() Sub one minute to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addSeconds(int $value = 1) Add seconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addSecond() Add one second to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subSeconds(int $value = 1) Sub seconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subSecond() Sub one second to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addMillis(int $value = 1) Add milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addMilli() Add one millisecond to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subMillis(int $value = 1) Sub milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subMilli() Sub one millisecond to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addMilliseconds(int $value = 1) Add milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addMillisecond() Add one millisecond to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subMilliseconds(int $value = 1) Sub milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subMillisecond() Sub one millisecond to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addMicros(int $value = 1) Add microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addMicro() Add one microsecond to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subMicros(int $value = 1) Sub microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subMicro() Sub one microsecond to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addMicroseconds(int $value = 1) Add microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addMicrosecond() Add one microsecond to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subMicroseconds(int $value = 1) Sub microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subMicrosecond() Sub one microsecond to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addMillennia(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addMillennium() Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subMillennia(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subMillennium() Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addMillenniaWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this addMillenniumWithOverflow() Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this subMillenniaWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this subMillenniumWithOverflow() Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this addMillenniaWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addMillenniumWithoutOverflow() Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subMillenniaWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subMillenniumWithoutOverflow() Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addMillenniaWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addMillenniumWithNoOverflow() Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subMillenniaWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subMillenniumWithNoOverflow() Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addMillenniaNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addMillenniumNoOverflow() Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subMillenniaNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subMillenniumNoOverflow() Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addCenturies(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addCentury() Add one century to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subCenturies(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subCentury() Sub one century to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addCenturiesWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this addCenturyWithOverflow() Add one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this subCenturiesWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this subCenturyWithOverflow() Sub one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this addCenturiesWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addCenturyWithoutOverflow() Add one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subCenturiesWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subCenturyWithoutOverflow() Sub one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addCenturiesWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addCenturyWithNoOverflow() Add one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subCenturiesWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subCenturyWithNoOverflow() Sub one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addCenturiesNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addCenturyNoOverflow() Add one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subCenturiesNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subCenturyNoOverflow() Sub one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addDecades(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addDecade() Add one decade to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subDecades(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subDecade() Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addDecadesWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this addDecadeWithOverflow() Add one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this subDecadesWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this subDecadeWithOverflow() Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this addDecadesWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addDecadeWithoutOverflow() Add one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subDecadesWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subDecadeWithoutOverflow() Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addDecadesWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addDecadeWithNoOverflow() Add one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subDecadesWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subDecadeWithNoOverflow() Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addDecadesNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addDecadeNoOverflow() Add one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subDecadesNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subDecadeNoOverflow() Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addQuarters(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addQuarter() Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subQuarters(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subQuarter() Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addQuartersWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this addQuarterWithOverflow() Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this subQuartersWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this subQuarterWithOverflow() Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method $this addQuartersWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addQuarterWithoutOverflow() Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subQuartersWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subQuarterWithoutOverflow() Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addQuartersWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addQuarterWithNoOverflow() Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subQuartersWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subQuarterWithNoOverflow() Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addQuartersNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addQuarterNoOverflow() Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subQuartersNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this subQuarterNoOverflow() Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method $this addWeeks(int $value = 1) Add weeks (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addWeek() Add one week to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subWeeks(int $value = 1) Sub weeks (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subWeek() Sub one week to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addWeekdays(int $value = 1) Add weekdays (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addWeekday() Add one weekday to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subWeekdays(int $value = 1) Sub weekdays (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this subWeekday() Sub one weekday to the instance (using date interval).
* @method $this addRealMicros(int $value = 1) Add microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this addRealMicro() Add one microsecond to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealMicros(int $value = 1) Sub microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealMicro() Sub one microsecond to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod microsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each microsecond or every X microseconds if a factor is given.
* @method $this addRealMicroseconds(int $value = 1) Add microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this addRealMicrosecond() Add one microsecond to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealMicroseconds(int $value = 1) Sub microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealMicrosecond() Sub one microsecond to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod microsecondsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each microsecond or every X microseconds if a factor is given.
* @method $this addRealMillis(int $value = 1) Add milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this addRealMilli() Add one millisecond to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealMillis(int $value = 1) Sub milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealMilli() Sub one millisecond to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod millisUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each millisecond or every X milliseconds if a factor is given.
* @method $this addRealMilliseconds(int $value = 1) Add milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this addRealMillisecond() Add one millisecond to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealMilliseconds(int $value = 1) Sub milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealMillisecond() Sub one millisecond to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod millisecondsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each millisecond or every X milliseconds if a factor is given.
* @method $this addRealSeconds(int $value = 1) Add seconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this addRealSecond() Add one second to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealSeconds(int $value = 1) Sub seconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealSecond() Sub one second to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod secondsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each second or every X seconds if a factor is given.
* @method $this addRealMinutes(int $value = 1) Add minutes (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this addRealMinute() Add one minute to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealMinutes(int $value = 1) Sub minutes (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealMinute() Sub one minute to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod minutesUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each minute or every X minutes if a factor is given.
* @method $this addRealHours(int $value = 1) Add hours (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this addRealHour() Add one hour to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealHours(int $value = 1) Sub hours (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealHour() Sub one hour to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod hoursUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each hour or every X hours if a factor is given.
* @method $this addRealDays(int $value = 1) Add days (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this addRealDay() Add one day to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealDays(int $value = 1) Sub days (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealDay() Sub one day to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod daysUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each day or every X days if a factor is given.
* @method $this addRealWeeks(int $value = 1) Add weeks (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this addRealWeek() Add one week to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealWeeks(int $value = 1) Sub weeks (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealWeek() Sub one week to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod weeksUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each week or every X weeks if a factor is given.
* @method $this addRealMonths(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this addRealMonth() Add one month to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealMonths(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealMonth() Sub one month to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod monthsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each month or every X months if a factor is given.
* @method $this addRealQuarters(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this addRealQuarter() Add one quarter to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealQuarters(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealQuarter() Sub one quarter to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod quartersUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each quarter or every X quarters if a factor is given.
* @method $this addRealYears(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this addRealYear() Add one year to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealYears(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealYear() Sub one year to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod yearsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each year or every X years if a factor is given.
* @method $this addRealDecades(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this addRealDecade() Add one decade to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealDecades(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealDecade() Sub one decade to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod decadesUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each decade or every X decades if a factor is given.
* @method $this addRealCenturies(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this addRealCentury() Add one century to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealCenturies(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealCentury() Sub one century to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod centuriesUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each century or every X centuries if a factor is given.
* @method $this addRealMillennia(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this addRealMillennium() Add one millennium to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealMillennia(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method $this subRealMillennium() Sub one millennium to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod millenniaUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each millennium or every X millennia if a factor is given.
* @method $this roundYear(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance year with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundYears(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance year with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorYear(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance year with given precision.
* @method $this floorYears(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance year with given precision.
* @method $this ceilYear(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance year with given precision.
* @method $this ceilYears(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance year with given precision.
* @method $this roundMonth(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance month with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundMonths(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance month with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorMonth(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance month with given precision.
* @method $this floorMonths(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance month with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMonth(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance month with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMonths(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance month with given precision.
* @method $this roundDay(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundDays(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorDay(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this floorDays(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this ceilDay(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this ceilDays(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this roundHour(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance hour with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundHours(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance hour with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorHour(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance hour with given precision.
* @method $this floorHours(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance hour with given precision.
* @method $this ceilHour(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance hour with given precision.
* @method $this ceilHours(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance hour with given precision.
* @method $this roundMinute(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance minute with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundMinutes(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance minute with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorMinute(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance minute with given precision.
* @method $this floorMinutes(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance minute with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMinute(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance minute with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMinutes(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance minute with given precision.
* @method $this roundSecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance second with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundSeconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance second with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorSecond(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance second with given precision.
* @method $this floorSeconds(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance second with given precision.
* @method $this ceilSecond(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance second with given precision.
* @method $this ceilSeconds(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance second with given precision.
* @method $this roundMillennium(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millennium with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundMillennia(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millennium with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorMillennium(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millennium with given precision.
* @method $this floorMillennia(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millennium with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMillennium(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millennium with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMillennia(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millennium with given precision.
* @method $this roundCentury(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance century with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundCenturies(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance century with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorCentury(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance century with given precision.
* @method $this floorCenturies(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance century with given precision.
* @method $this ceilCentury(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance century with given precision.
* @method $this ceilCenturies(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance century with given precision.
* @method $this roundDecade(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance decade with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundDecades(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance decade with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorDecade(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance decade with given precision.
* @method $this floorDecades(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance decade with given precision.
* @method $this ceilDecade(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance decade with given precision.
* @method $this ceilDecades(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance decade with given precision.
* @method $this roundQuarter(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance quarter with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundQuarters(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance quarter with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorQuarter(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance quarter with given precision.
* @method $this floorQuarters(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance quarter with given precision.
* @method $this ceilQuarter(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance quarter with given precision.
* @method $this ceilQuarters(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance quarter with given precision.
* @method $this roundMillisecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millisecond with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundMilliseconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millisecond with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorMillisecond(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millisecond with given precision.
* @method $this floorMilliseconds(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millisecond with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMillisecond(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millisecond with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMilliseconds(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millisecond with given precision.
* @method $this roundMicrosecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance microsecond with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundMicroseconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance microsecond with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorMicrosecond(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance microsecond with given precision.
* @method $this floorMicroseconds(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance microsecond with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMicrosecond(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance microsecond with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMicroseconds(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance microsecond with given precision.
* @method string shortAbsoluteDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (short format, 'Absolute' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
* @method string longAbsoluteDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (long format, 'Absolute' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
* @method string shortRelativeDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (short format, 'Relative' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
* @method string longRelativeDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (long format, 'Relative' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
* @method string shortRelativeToNowDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (short format, 'RelativeToNow' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
* @method string longRelativeToNowDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (long format, 'RelativeToNow' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
* @method string shortRelativeToOtherDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (short format, 'RelativeToOther' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
* @method string longRelativeToOtherDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (long format, 'RelativeToOther' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
* @method static Carbon|false createFromFormat(string $format, string $time, string|DateTimeZone $timezone = null) Parse a string into a new Carbon object according to the specified format.
* @method static Carbon __set_state(array $array)
* </autodoc>
class Carbon extends DateTime implements CarbonInterface
use Date;
* Returns true if the current class/instance is mutable.
* @return bool
public static function isMutable()
return true;
* This file is part of the Carbon package.
* (c) Brian Nesbitt <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Carbon;
use DateTimeInterface;
interface CarbonConverterInterface
public function convertDate(DateTimeInterface $dateTime, bool $negated = false): CarbonInterface;
* This file is part of the Carbon package.
* (c) Brian Nesbitt <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Carbon;
use Carbon\Traits\Date;
use DateTimeImmutable;
use DateTimeInterface;
use DateTimeZone;
* A simple API extension for DateTimeImmutable.
* <autodoc generated by `composer phpdoc`>
* @property int $year
* @property int $yearIso
* @property int $month
* @property int $day
* @property int $hour
* @property int $minute
* @property int $second
* @property int $micro
* @property int $microsecond
* @property int|float|string $timestamp seconds since the Unix Epoch
* @property string $englishDayOfWeek the day of week in English
* @property string $shortEnglishDayOfWeek the abbreviated day of week in English
* @property string $englishMonth the month in English
* @property string $shortEnglishMonth the abbreviated month in English
* @property string $localeDayOfWeek the day of week in current locale LC_TIME
* @property string $shortLocaleDayOfWeek the abbreviated day of week in current locale LC_TIME
* @property string $localeMonth the month in current locale LC_TIME
* @property string $shortLocaleMonth the abbreviated month in current locale LC_TIME
* @property int $milliseconds
* @property int $millisecond
* @property int $milli
* @property int $week 1 through 53
* @property int $isoWeek 1 through 53
* @property int $weekYear year according to week format
* @property int $isoWeekYear year according to ISO week format
* @property int $dayOfYear 1 through 366
* @property int $age does a diffInYears() with default parameters
* @property int $offset the timezone offset in seconds from UTC
* @property int $offsetMinutes the timezone offset in minutes from UTC
* @property int $offsetHours the timezone offset in hours from UTC
* @property CarbonTimeZone $timezone the current timezone
* @property CarbonTimeZone $tz alias of $timezone
* @property-read int $dayOfWeek 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday)
* @property-read int $dayOfWeekIso 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
* @property-read int $weekOfYear ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday
* @property-read int $daysInMonth number of days in the given month
* @property-read string $latinMeridiem "am"/"pm" (Ante meridiem or Post meridiem latin lowercase mark)
* @property-read string $latinUpperMeridiem "AM"/"PM" (Ante meridiem or Post meridiem latin uppercase mark)
* @property-read string $timezoneAbbreviatedName the current timezone abbreviated name
* @property-read string $tzAbbrName alias of $timezoneAbbreviatedName
* @property-read string $dayName long name of weekday translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
* @property-read string $shortDayName short name of weekday translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
* @property-read string $minDayName very short name of weekday translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
* @property-read string $monthName long name of month translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
* @property-read string $shortMonthName short name of month translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
* @property-read string $meridiem lowercase meridiem mark translated according to Carbon locale, in latin if no translation available for current language
* @property-read string $upperMeridiem uppercase meridiem mark translated according to Carbon locale, in latin if no translation available for current language
* @property-read int $noZeroHour current hour from 1 to 24
* @property-read int $weeksInYear 51 through 53
* @property-read int $isoWeeksInYear 51 through 53
* @property-read int $weekOfMonth 1 through 5
* @property-read int $weekNumberInMonth 1 through 5
* @property-read int $firstWeekDay 0 through 6
* @property-read int $lastWeekDay 0 through 6
* @property-read int $daysInYear 365 or 366
* @property-read int $quarter the quarter of this instance, 1 - 4
* @property-read int $decade the decade of this instance
* @property-read int $century the century of this instance
* @property-read int $millennium the millennium of this instance
* @property-read bool $dst daylight savings time indicator, true if DST, false otherwise
* @property-read bool $local checks if the timezone is local, true if local, false otherwise
* @property-read bool $utc checks if the timezone is UTC, true if UTC, false otherwise
* @property-read string $timezoneName the current timezone name
* @property-read string $tzName alias of $timezoneName
* @property-read string $locale locale of the current instance
* @method bool isUtc() Check if the current instance has UTC timezone. (Both isUtc and isUTC cases are valid.)
* @method bool isLocal() Check if the current instance has non-UTC timezone.
* @method bool isValid() Check if the current instance is a valid date.
* @method bool isDST() Check if the current instance is in a daylight saving time.
* @method bool isSunday() Checks if the instance day is sunday.
* @method bool isMonday() Checks if the instance day is monday.
* @method bool isTuesday() Checks if the instance day is tuesday.
* @method bool isWednesday() Checks if the instance day is wednesday.
* @method bool isThursday() Checks if the instance day is thursday.
* @method bool isFriday() Checks if the instance day is friday.
* @method bool isSaturday() Checks if the instance day is saturday.
* @method bool isSameYear(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same year as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentYear() Checks if the instance is in the same year as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextYear() Checks if the instance is in the same year as the current moment next year.
* @method bool isLastYear() Checks if the instance is in the same year as the current moment last year.
* @method bool isSameWeek(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same week as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentWeek() Checks if the instance is in the same week as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextWeek() Checks if the instance is in the same week as the current moment next week.
* @method bool isLastWeek() Checks if the instance is in the same week as the current moment last week.
* @method bool isSameDay(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same day as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentDay() Checks if the instance is in the same day as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextDay() Checks if the instance is in the same day as the current moment next day.
* @method bool isLastDay() Checks if the instance is in the same day as the current moment last day.
* @method bool isSameHour(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same hour as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentHour() Checks if the instance is in the same hour as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextHour() Checks if the instance is in the same hour as the current moment next hour.
* @method bool isLastHour() Checks if the instance is in the same hour as the current moment last hour.
* @method bool isSameMinute(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same minute as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentMinute() Checks if the instance is in the same minute as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextMinute() Checks if the instance is in the same minute as the current moment next minute.
* @method bool isLastMinute() Checks if the instance is in the same minute as the current moment last minute.
* @method bool isSameSecond(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same second as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentSecond() Checks if the instance is in the same second as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextSecond() Checks if the instance is in the same second as the current moment next second.
* @method bool isLastSecond() Checks if the instance is in the same second as the current moment last second.
* @method bool isSameMicro(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same microsecond as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentMicro() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextMicro() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment next microsecond.
* @method bool isLastMicro() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment last microsecond.
* @method bool isSameMicrosecond(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same microsecond as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentMicrosecond() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextMicrosecond() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment next microsecond.
* @method bool isLastMicrosecond() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment last microsecond.
* @method bool isCurrentMonth() Checks if the instance is in the same month as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextMonth() Checks if the instance is in the same month as the current moment next month.
* @method bool isLastMonth() Checks if the instance is in the same month as the current moment last month.
* @method bool isCurrentQuarter() Checks if the instance is in the same quarter as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextQuarter() Checks if the instance is in the same quarter as the current moment next quarter.
* @method bool isLastQuarter() Checks if the instance is in the same quarter as the current moment last quarter.
* @method bool isSameDecade(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same decade as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentDecade() Checks if the instance is in the same decade as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextDecade() Checks if the instance is in the same decade as the current moment next decade.
* @method bool isLastDecade() Checks if the instance is in the same decade as the current moment last decade.
* @method bool isSameCentury(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same century as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentCentury() Checks if the instance is in the same century as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextCentury() Checks if the instance is in the same century as the current moment next century.
* @method bool isLastCentury() Checks if the instance is in the same century as the current moment last century.
* @method bool isSameMillennium(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same millennium as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
* @method bool isCurrentMillennium() Checks if the instance is in the same millennium as the current moment.
* @method bool isNextMillennium() Checks if the instance is in the same millennium as the current moment next millennium.
* @method bool isLastMillennium() Checks if the instance is in the same millennium as the current moment last millennium.
* @method CarbonImmutable years(int $value) Set current instance year to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable year(int $value) Set current instance year to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setYears(int $value) Set current instance year to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setYear(int $value) Set current instance year to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable months(int $value) Set current instance month to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable month(int $value) Set current instance month to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setMonths(int $value) Set current instance month to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setMonth(int $value) Set current instance month to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable days(int $value) Set current instance day to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable day(int $value) Set current instance day to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setDays(int $value) Set current instance day to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setDay(int $value) Set current instance day to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable hours(int $value) Set current instance hour to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable hour(int $value) Set current instance hour to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setHours(int $value) Set current instance hour to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setHour(int $value) Set current instance hour to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable minutes(int $value) Set current instance minute to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable minute(int $value) Set current instance minute to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setMinutes(int $value) Set current instance minute to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setMinute(int $value) Set current instance minute to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable seconds(int $value) Set current instance second to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable second(int $value) Set current instance second to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setSeconds(int $value) Set current instance second to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setSecond(int $value) Set current instance second to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable millis(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable milli(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setMillis(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setMilli(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable milliseconds(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable millisecond(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setMilliseconds(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setMillisecond(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable micros(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable micro(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setMicros(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setMicro(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable microseconds(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable microsecond(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setMicroseconds(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable setMicrosecond(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
* @method CarbonImmutable addYears(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addYear() Add one year to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subYears(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subYear() Sub one year to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addYearsWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable addYearWithOverflow() Add one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable subYearsWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable subYearWithOverflow() Sub one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable addYearsWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addYearWithoutOverflow() Add one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subYearsWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subYearWithoutOverflow() Sub one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addYearsWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addYearWithNoOverflow() Add one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subYearsWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subYearWithNoOverflow() Sub one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addYearsNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addYearNoOverflow() Add one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subYearsNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subYearNoOverflow() Sub one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addMonths(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addMonth() Add one month to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subMonths(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subMonth() Sub one month to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addMonthsWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable addMonthWithOverflow() Add one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable subMonthsWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable subMonthWithOverflow() Sub one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable addMonthsWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addMonthWithoutOverflow() Add one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subMonthsWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subMonthWithoutOverflow() Sub one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addMonthsWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addMonthWithNoOverflow() Add one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subMonthsWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subMonthWithNoOverflow() Sub one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addMonthsNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addMonthNoOverflow() Add one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subMonthsNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subMonthNoOverflow() Sub one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addDays(int $value = 1) Add days (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addDay() Add one day to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subDays(int $value = 1) Sub days (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subDay() Sub one day to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addHours(int $value = 1) Add hours (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addHour() Add one hour to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subHours(int $value = 1) Sub hours (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subHour() Sub one hour to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addMinutes(int $value = 1) Add minutes (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addMinute() Add one minute to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subMinutes(int $value = 1) Sub minutes (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subMinute() Sub one minute to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addSeconds(int $value = 1) Add seconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addSecond() Add one second to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subSeconds(int $value = 1) Sub seconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subSecond() Sub one second to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addMillis(int $value = 1) Add milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addMilli() Add one millisecond to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subMillis(int $value = 1) Sub milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subMilli() Sub one millisecond to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addMilliseconds(int $value = 1) Add milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addMillisecond() Add one millisecond to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subMilliseconds(int $value = 1) Sub milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subMillisecond() Sub one millisecond to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addMicros(int $value = 1) Add microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addMicro() Add one microsecond to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subMicros(int $value = 1) Sub microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subMicro() Sub one microsecond to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addMicroseconds(int $value = 1) Add microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addMicrosecond() Add one microsecond to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subMicroseconds(int $value = 1) Sub microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subMicrosecond() Sub one microsecond to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addMillennia(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addMillennium() Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subMillennia(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subMillennium() Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addMillenniaWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable addMillenniumWithOverflow() Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable subMillenniaWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable subMillenniumWithOverflow() Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable addMillenniaWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addMillenniumWithoutOverflow() Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subMillenniaWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subMillenniumWithoutOverflow() Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addMillenniaWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addMillenniumWithNoOverflow() Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subMillenniaWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subMillenniumWithNoOverflow() Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addMillenniaNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addMillenniumNoOverflow() Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subMillenniaNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subMillenniumNoOverflow() Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addCenturies(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addCentury() Add one century to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subCenturies(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subCentury() Sub one century to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addCenturiesWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable addCenturyWithOverflow() Add one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable subCenturiesWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable subCenturyWithOverflow() Sub one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable addCenturiesWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addCenturyWithoutOverflow() Add one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subCenturiesWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subCenturyWithoutOverflow() Sub one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addCenturiesWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addCenturyWithNoOverflow() Add one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subCenturiesWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subCenturyWithNoOverflow() Sub one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addCenturiesNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addCenturyNoOverflow() Add one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subCenturiesNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subCenturyNoOverflow() Sub one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addDecades(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addDecade() Add one decade to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subDecades(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subDecade() Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addDecadesWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable addDecadeWithOverflow() Add one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable subDecadesWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable subDecadeWithOverflow() Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable addDecadesWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addDecadeWithoutOverflow() Add one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subDecadesWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subDecadeWithoutOverflow() Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addDecadesWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addDecadeWithNoOverflow() Add one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subDecadesWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subDecadeWithNoOverflow() Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addDecadesNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addDecadeNoOverflow() Add one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subDecadesNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subDecadeNoOverflow() Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addQuarters(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addQuarter() Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subQuarters(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subQuarter() Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addQuartersWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable addQuarterWithOverflow() Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable subQuartersWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable subQuarterWithOverflow() Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
* @method CarbonImmutable addQuartersWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addQuarterWithoutOverflow() Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subQuartersWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subQuarterWithoutOverflow() Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addQuartersWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addQuarterWithNoOverflow() Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subQuartersWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subQuarterWithNoOverflow() Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addQuartersNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addQuarterNoOverflow() Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subQuartersNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable subQuarterNoOverflow() Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
* @method CarbonImmutable addWeeks(int $value = 1) Add weeks (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addWeek() Add one week to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subWeeks(int $value = 1) Sub weeks (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subWeek() Sub one week to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addWeekdays(int $value = 1) Add weekdays (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addWeekday() Add one weekday to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subWeekdays(int $value = 1) Sub weekdays (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable subWeekday() Sub one weekday to the instance (using date interval).
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealMicros(int $value = 1) Add microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealMicro() Add one microsecond to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealMicros(int $value = 1) Sub microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealMicro() Sub one microsecond to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod microsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each microsecond or every X microseconds if a factor is given.
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealMicroseconds(int $value = 1) Add microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealMicrosecond() Add one microsecond to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealMicroseconds(int $value = 1) Sub microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealMicrosecond() Sub one microsecond to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod microsecondsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each microsecond or every X microseconds if a factor is given.
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealMillis(int $value = 1) Add milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealMilli() Add one millisecond to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealMillis(int $value = 1) Sub milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealMilli() Sub one millisecond to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod millisUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each millisecond or every X milliseconds if a factor is given.
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealMilliseconds(int $value = 1) Add milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealMillisecond() Add one millisecond to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealMilliseconds(int $value = 1) Sub milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealMillisecond() Sub one millisecond to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod millisecondsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each millisecond or every X milliseconds if a factor is given.
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealSeconds(int $value = 1) Add seconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealSecond() Add one second to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealSeconds(int $value = 1) Sub seconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealSecond() Sub one second to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod secondsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each second or every X seconds if a factor is given.
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealMinutes(int $value = 1) Add minutes (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealMinute() Add one minute to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealMinutes(int $value = 1) Sub minutes (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealMinute() Sub one minute to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod minutesUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each minute or every X minutes if a factor is given.
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealHours(int $value = 1) Add hours (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealHour() Add one hour to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealHours(int $value = 1) Sub hours (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealHour() Sub one hour to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod hoursUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each hour or every X hours if a factor is given.
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealDays(int $value = 1) Add days (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealDay() Add one day to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealDays(int $value = 1) Sub days (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealDay() Sub one day to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod daysUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each day or every X days if a factor is given.
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealWeeks(int $value = 1) Add weeks (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealWeek() Add one week to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealWeeks(int $value = 1) Sub weeks (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealWeek() Sub one week to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod weeksUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each week or every X weeks if a factor is given.
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealMonths(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealMonth() Add one month to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealMonths(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealMonth() Sub one month to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod monthsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each month or every X months if a factor is given.
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealQuarters(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealQuarter() Add one quarter to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealQuarters(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealQuarter() Sub one quarter to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod quartersUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each quarter or every X quarters if a factor is given.
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealYears(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealYear() Add one year to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealYears(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealYear() Sub one year to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod yearsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each year or every X years if a factor is given.
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealDecades(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealDecade() Add one decade to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealDecades(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealDecade() Sub one decade to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod decadesUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each decade or every X decades if a factor is given.
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealCenturies(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealCentury() Add one century to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealCenturies(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealCentury() Sub one century to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod centuriesUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each century or every X centuries if a factor is given.
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealMillennia(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable addRealMillennium() Add one millennium to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealMillennia(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonImmutable subRealMillennium() Sub one millennium to the instance (using timestamp).
* @method CarbonPeriod millenniaUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each millennium or every X millennia if a factor is given.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundYear(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance year with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundYears(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance year with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorYear(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance year with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorYears(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance year with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilYear(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance year with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilYears(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance year with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundMonth(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance month with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundMonths(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance month with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorMonth(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance month with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorMonths(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance month with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilMonth(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance month with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilMonths(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance month with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundDay(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundDays(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorDay(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance day with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorDays(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance day with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilDay(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance day with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilDays(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance day with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundHour(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance hour with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundHours(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance hour with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorHour(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance hour with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorHours(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance hour with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilHour(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance hour with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilHours(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance hour with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundMinute(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance minute with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundMinutes(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance minute with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorMinute(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance minute with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorMinutes(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance minute with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilMinute(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance minute with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilMinutes(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance minute with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundSecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance second with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundSeconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance second with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorSecond(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance second with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorSeconds(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance second with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilSecond(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance second with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilSeconds(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance second with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundMillennium(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millennium with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundMillennia(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millennium with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorMillennium(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millennium with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorMillennia(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millennium with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilMillennium(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millennium with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilMillennia(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millennium with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundCentury(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance century with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundCenturies(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance century with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorCentury(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance century with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorCenturies(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance century with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilCentury(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance century with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilCenturies(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance century with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundDecade(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance decade with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundDecades(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance decade with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorDecade(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance decade with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorDecades(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance decade with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilDecade(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance decade with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilDecades(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance decade with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundQuarter(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance quarter with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundQuarters(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance quarter with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorQuarter(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance quarter with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorQuarters(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance quarter with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilQuarter(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance quarter with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilQuarters(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance quarter with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundMillisecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millisecond with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundMilliseconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millisecond with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorMillisecond(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millisecond with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorMilliseconds(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millisecond with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilMillisecond(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millisecond with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilMilliseconds(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millisecond with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundMicrosecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance microsecond with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable roundMicroseconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance microsecond with given precision using the given function.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorMicrosecond(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance microsecond with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable floorMicroseconds(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance microsecond with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilMicrosecond(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance microsecond with given precision.
* @method CarbonImmutable ceilMicroseconds(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance microsecond with given precision.
* @method string shortAbsoluteDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (short format, 'Absolute' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
* @method string longAbsoluteDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (long format, 'Absolute' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
* @method string shortRelativeDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (short format, 'Relative' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
* @method string longRelativeDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (long format, 'Relative' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
* @method string shortRelativeToNowDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (short format, 'RelativeToNow' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
* @method string longRelativeToNowDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (long format, 'RelativeToNow' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
* @method string shortRelativeToOtherDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (short format, 'RelativeToOther' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
* @method string longRelativeToOtherDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (long format, 'RelativeToOther' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
* @method static CarbonImmutable|false createFromFormat(string $format, string $time, string|DateTimeZone $timezone = null) Parse a string into a new CarbonImmutable object according to the specified format.
* @method static CarbonImmutable __set_state(array $array)
* </autodoc>
class CarbonImmutable extends DateTimeImmutable implements CarbonInterface
use Date {
__clone as dateTraitClone;
public function __clone()
$this->endOfTime = false;
$this->startOfTime = false;
* Create a very old date representing start of time.
* @return static
public static function startOfTime(): self
$date = static::parse('0001-01-01')->years(self::getStartOfTimeYear());
$date->startOfTime = true;
return $date;
* Create a very far date representing end of time.
* @return static
public static function endOfTime(): self
$date = static::parse('9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999')->years(self::getEndOfTimeYear());
$date->endOfTime = true;
return $date;
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private static function getEndOfTimeYear(): int
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3.0-dev', '<')) {
return 145261681241552;
return PHP_INT_MAX;
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private static function getStartOfTimeYear(): int
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3.0-dev', '<')) {
return -135908816449551;
return max(PHP_INT_MIN, -9223372036854773760);
Source diff could not be displayed: it is too large. Options to address this: view the blob.
* This file is part of the Carbon package.
* (c) Brian Nesbitt <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Carbon;
use Carbon\Exceptions\BadFluentConstructorException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\BadFluentSetterException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\InvalidCastException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\InvalidIntervalException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\ParseErrorException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\UnitNotConfiguredException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\UnknownGetterException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\UnknownSetterException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\UnknownUnitException;
use Carbon\Traits\IntervalRounding;
use Carbon\Traits\IntervalStep;
use Carbon\Traits\Mixin;
use Carbon\Traits\Options;
use Closure;
use DateInterval;
use Exception;
use ReflectionException;
use Throwable;
* A simple API extension for DateInterval.
* The implementation provides helpers to handle weeks but only days are saved.
* Weeks are calculated based on the total days of the current instance.
* @property int $years Total years of the current interval.
* @property int $months Total months of the current interval.
* @property int $weeks Total weeks of the current interval calculated from the days.
* @property int $dayz Total days of the current interval (weeks * 7 + days).
* @property int $hours Total hours of the current interval.
* @property int $minutes Total minutes of the current interval.
* @property int $seconds Total seconds of the current interval.
* @property int $microseconds Total microseconds of the current interval.
* @property int $milliseconds Total microseconds of the current interval.
* @property int $microExcludeMilli Remaining microseconds without the milliseconds.
* @property int $dayzExcludeWeeks Total days remaining in the final week of the current instance (days % 7).
* @property int $daysExcludeWeeks alias of dayzExcludeWeeks
* @property-read float $totalYears Number of years equivalent to the interval.
* @property-read float $totalMonths Number of months equivalent to the interval.
* @property-read float $totalWeeks Number of weeks equivalent to the interval.
* @property-read float $totalDays Number of days equivalent to the interval.
* @property-read float $totalDayz Alias for totalDays.
* @property-read float $totalHours Number of hours equivalent to the interval.
* @property-read float $totalMinutes Number of minutes equivalent to the interval.
* @property-read float $totalSeconds Number of seconds equivalent to the interval.
* @property-read float $totalMilliseconds Number of milliseconds equivalent to the interval.
* @property-read float $totalMicroseconds Number of microseconds equivalent to the interval.
* @property-read string $locale locale of the current instance
* @method static CarbonInterval years($years = 1) Create instance specifying a number of years or modify the number of years if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonInterval year($years = 1) Alias for years()
* @method static CarbonInterval months($months = 1) Create instance specifying a number of months or modify the number of months if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonInterval month($months = 1) Alias for months()
* @method static CarbonInterval weeks($weeks = 1) Create instance specifying a number of weeks or modify the number of weeks if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonInterval week($weeks = 1) Alias for weeks()
* @method static CarbonInterval days($days = 1) Create instance specifying a number of days or modify the number of days if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonInterval dayz($days = 1) Alias for days()
* @method static CarbonInterval daysExcludeWeeks($days = 1) Create instance specifying a number of days or modify the number of days (keeping the current number of weeks) if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonInterval dayzExcludeWeeks($days = 1) Alias for daysExcludeWeeks()
* @method static CarbonInterval day($days = 1) Alias for days()
* @method static CarbonInterval hours($hours = 1) Create instance specifying a number of hours or modify the number of hours if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonInterval hour($hours = 1) Alias for hours()
* @method static CarbonInterval minutes($minutes = 1) Create instance specifying a number of minutes or modify the number of minutes if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonInterval minute($minutes = 1) Alias for minutes()
* @method static CarbonInterval seconds($seconds = 1) Create instance specifying a number of seconds or modify the number of seconds if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonInterval second($seconds = 1) Alias for seconds()
* @method static CarbonInterval milliseconds($milliseconds = 1) Create instance specifying a number of milliseconds or modify the number of milliseconds if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonInterval millisecond($milliseconds = 1) Alias for milliseconds()
* @method static CarbonInterval microseconds($microseconds = 1) Create instance specifying a number of microseconds or modify the number of microseconds if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonInterval microsecond($microseconds = 1) Alias for microseconds()
* @method $this addYears(int $years) Add given number of years to the current interval
* @method $this subYears(int $years) Subtract given number of years to the current interval
* @method $this addMonths(int $months) Add given number of months to the current interval
* @method $this subMonths(int $months) Subtract given number of months to the current interval
* @method $this addWeeks(int|float $weeks) Add given number of weeks to the current interval
* @method $this subWeeks(int|float $weeks) Subtract given number of weeks to the current interval
* @method $this addDays(int|float $days) Add given number of days to the current interval
* @method $this subDays(int|float $days) Subtract given number of days to the current interval
* @method $this addHours(int|float $hours) Add given number of hours to the current interval
* @method $this subHours(int|float $hours) Subtract given number of hours to the current interval
* @method $this addMinutes(int|float $minutes) Add given number of minutes to the current interval
* @method $this subMinutes(int|float $minutes) Subtract given number of minutes to the current interval
* @method $this addSeconds(int|float $seconds) Add given number of seconds to the current interval
* @method $this subSeconds(int|float $seconds) Subtract given number of seconds to the current interval
* @method $this addMilliseconds(int|float $milliseconds) Add given number of milliseconds to the current interval
* @method $this subMilliseconds(int|float $milliseconds) Subtract given number of milliseconds to the current interval
* @method $this addMicroseconds(int|float $microseconds) Add given number of microseconds to the current interval
* @method $this subMicroseconds(int|float $microseconds) Subtract given number of microseconds to the current interval
* @method $this roundYear(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance year with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundYears(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance year with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorYear(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance year with given precision.
* @method $this floorYears(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance year with given precision.
* @method $this ceilYear(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance year with given precision.
* @method $this ceilYears(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance year with given precision.
* @method $this roundMonth(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance month with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundMonths(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance month with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorMonth(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance month with given precision.
* @method $this floorMonths(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance month with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMonth(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance month with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMonths(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance month with given precision.
* @method $this roundWeek(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundWeeks(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorWeek(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this floorWeeks(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this ceilWeek(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this ceilWeeks(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this roundDay(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundDays(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorDay(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this floorDays(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this ceilDay(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this ceilDays(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this roundHour(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance hour with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundHours(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance hour with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorHour(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance hour with given precision.
* @method $this floorHours(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance hour with given precision.
* @method $this ceilHour(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance hour with given precision.
* @method $this ceilHours(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance hour with given precision.
* @method $this roundMinute(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance minute with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundMinutes(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance minute with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorMinute(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance minute with given precision.
* @method $this floorMinutes(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance minute with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMinute(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance minute with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMinutes(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance minute with given precision.
* @method $this roundSecond(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance second with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundSeconds(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance second with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorSecond(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance second with given precision.
* @method $this floorSeconds(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance second with given precision.
* @method $this ceilSecond(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance second with given precision.
* @method $this ceilSeconds(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance second with given precision.
* @method $this roundMillennium(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millennium with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundMillennia(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millennium with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorMillennium(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millennium with given precision.
* @method $this floorMillennia(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millennium with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMillennium(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millennium with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMillennia(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millennium with given precision.
* @method $this roundCentury(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance century with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundCenturies(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance century with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorCentury(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance century with given precision.
* @method $this floorCenturies(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance century with given precision.
* @method $this ceilCentury(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance century with given precision.
* @method $this ceilCenturies(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance century with given precision.
* @method $this roundDecade(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance decade with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundDecades(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance decade with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorDecade(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance decade with given precision.
* @method $this floorDecades(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance decade with given precision.
* @method $this ceilDecade(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance decade with given precision.
* @method $this ceilDecades(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance decade with given precision.
* @method $this roundQuarter(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance quarter with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundQuarters(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance quarter with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorQuarter(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance quarter with given precision.
* @method $this floorQuarters(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance quarter with given precision.
* @method $this ceilQuarter(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance quarter with given precision.
* @method $this ceilQuarters(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance quarter with given precision.
* @method $this roundMillisecond(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millisecond with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundMilliseconds(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millisecond with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorMillisecond(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millisecond with given precision.
* @method $this floorMilliseconds(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millisecond with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMillisecond(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millisecond with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMilliseconds(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millisecond with given precision.
* @method $this roundMicrosecond(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance microsecond with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundMicroseconds(int|float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance microsecond with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorMicrosecond(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance microsecond with given precision.
* @method $this floorMicroseconds(int|float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance microsecond with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMicrosecond(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance microsecond with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMicroseconds(int|float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance microsecond with given precision.
class CarbonInterval extends DateInterval implements CarbonConverterInterface
use IntervalRounding;
use IntervalStep;
use Mixin {
Mixin::mixin as baseMixin;
use Options;
* Interval spec period designators
const PERIOD_PREFIX = 'P';
const PERIOD_YEARS = 'Y';
const PERIOD_MONTHS = 'M';
const PERIOD_DAYS = 'D';
const PERIOD_HOURS = 'H';
* A translator to ... er ... translate stuff
* @var \Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface
protected static $translator;
* @var array|null
protected static $cascadeFactors;
* @var array
protected static $formats = [
'y' => 'y',
'Y' => 'y',
'o' => 'y',
'm' => 'm',
'n' => 'm',
'W' => 'weeks',
'd' => 'd',
'j' => 'd',
'z' => 'd',
'h' => 'h',
'g' => 'h',
'H' => 'h',
'G' => 'h',
'i' => 'i',
's' => 's',
'u' => 'micro',
'v' => 'milli',
* @var array|null
private static $flipCascadeFactors;
* The registered macros.
* @var array
protected static $macros = [];
* Timezone handler for settings() method.
* @var mixed
protected $tzName;
* Set the instance's timezone from a string or object and add/subtract the offset difference.
* @param \DateTimeZone|string $tzName
* @return static
public function shiftTimezone($tzName)
$this->tzName = $tzName;
return $this;
* Mapping of units and factors for cascading.
* Should only be modified by changing the factors or referenced constants.
* @return array
public static function getCascadeFactors()
return static::$cascadeFactors ?: [
'milliseconds' => [Carbon::MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND, 'microseconds'],
'seconds' => [Carbon::MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND, 'milliseconds'],
'minutes' => [Carbon::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE, 'seconds'],
'hours' => [Carbon::MINUTES_PER_HOUR, 'minutes'],
'dayz' => [Carbon::HOURS_PER_DAY, 'hours'],
'weeks' => [Carbon::DAYS_PER_WEEK, 'dayz'],
'months' => [Carbon::WEEKS_PER_MONTH, 'weeks'],
'years' => [Carbon::MONTHS_PER_YEAR, 'months'],
private static function standardizeUnit($unit)
$unit = rtrim($unit, 'sz').'s';
return $unit === 'days' ? 'dayz' : $unit;
private static function getFlipCascadeFactors()
if (!self::$flipCascadeFactors) {
self::$flipCascadeFactors = [];
foreach (static::getCascadeFactors() as $to => [$factor, $from]) {
self::$flipCascadeFactors[self::standardizeUnit($from)] = [self::standardizeUnit($to), $factor];
return self::$flipCascadeFactors;
* Set default cascading factors for ->cascade() method.
* @param array $cascadeFactors
public static function setCascadeFactors(array $cascadeFactors)
self::$flipCascadeFactors = null;
static::$cascadeFactors = $cascadeFactors;
//////////////////////////// CONSTRUCTORS /////////////////////////
* Create a new CarbonInterval instance.
* @param int|null $years
* @param int|null $months
* @param int|null $weeks
* @param int|null $days
* @param int|null $hours
* @param int|null $minutes
* @param int|null $seconds
* @param int|null $microseconds
* @throws Exception when the interval_spec (passed as $years) cannot be parsed as an interval.
public function __construct($years = 1, $months = null, $weeks = null, $days = null, $hours = null, $minutes = null, $seconds = null, $microseconds = null)
if ($years instanceof Closure) {
$this->step = $years;
$years = null;
if ($years instanceof DateInterval) {
$this->f = $years->f;
static::copyNegativeUnits($years, $this);
$spec = $years;
if (!\is_string($spec) || \floatval($years) || preg_match('/^[0-9.]/', $years)) {
$spec = static::PERIOD_PREFIX;
$spec .= $years > 0 ? $years.static::PERIOD_YEARS : '';
$spec .= $months > 0 ? $months.static::PERIOD_MONTHS : '';
$specDays = 0;
$specDays += $weeks > 0 ? $weeks * static::getDaysPerWeek() : 0;
$specDays += $days > 0 ? $days : 0;
$spec .= $specDays > 0 ? $specDays.static::PERIOD_DAYS : '';
if ($hours > 0 || $minutes > 0 || $seconds > 0) {
$spec .= static::PERIOD_TIME_PREFIX;
$spec .= $hours > 0 ? $hours.static::PERIOD_HOURS : '';
$spec .= $minutes > 0 ? $minutes.static::PERIOD_MINUTES : '';
$spec .= $seconds > 0 ? $seconds.static::PERIOD_SECONDS : '';
if ($spec === static::PERIOD_PREFIX) {
// Allow the zero interval.
$spec .= '0'.static::PERIOD_YEARS;
if (!\is_null($microseconds)) {
$this->f = $microseconds / Carbon::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND;
* Returns the factor for a given source-to-target couple.
* @param string $source
* @param string $target
* @return int|null
public static function getFactor($source, $target)
$source = self::standardizeUnit($source);
$target = self::standardizeUnit($target);
$factors = static::getFlipCascadeFactors();
if (isset($factors[$source])) {
[$to, $factor] = $factors[$source];
if ($to === $target) {
return $factor;
return $factor * static::getFactor($to, $target);
return null;
* Returns current config for days per week.
* @return int
public static function getDaysPerWeek()
return static::getFactor('dayz', 'weeks') ?: Carbon::DAYS_PER_WEEK;
* Returns current config for hours per day.
* @return int
public static function getHoursPerDay()
return static::getFactor('hours', 'dayz') ?: Carbon::HOURS_PER_DAY;
* Returns current config for minutes per hour.
* @return int
public static function getMinutesPerHour()
return static::getFactor('minutes', 'hours') ?: Carbon::MINUTES_PER_HOUR;
* Returns current config for seconds per minute.
* @return int
public static function getSecondsPerMinute()
return static::getFactor('seconds', 'minutes') ?: Carbon::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
* Returns current config for microseconds per second.
* @return int
public static function getMillisecondsPerSecond()
return static::getFactor('milliseconds', 'seconds') ?: Carbon::MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;
* Returns current config for microseconds per second.
* @return int
public static function getMicrosecondsPerMillisecond()
return static::getFactor('microseconds', 'milliseconds') ?: Carbon::MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND;
* Create a new CarbonInterval instance from specific values.
* This is an alias for the constructor that allows better fluent
* syntax as it allows you to do CarbonInterval::create(1)->fn() rather than
* (new CarbonInterval(1))->fn().
* @param int $years
* @param int $months
* @param int $weeks
* @param int $days
* @param int $hours
* @param int $minutes
* @param int $seconds
* @param int $microseconds
* @throws Exception when the interval_spec (passed as $years) cannot be parsed as an interval.
* @return static
public static function create($years = 1, $months = null, $weeks = null, $days = null, $hours = null, $minutes = null, $seconds = null, $microseconds = null)
return new static($years, $months, $weeks, $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds, $microseconds);
* Parse a string into a new CarbonInterval object according to the specified format.
* @example
* ```
* echo Carboninterval::createFromFormat('H:i', '1:30');
* ```
* @param string $format Format of the $interval input string
* @param string $interval Input string to convert into an interval
* @throws Exception when the $interval cannot be parsed as an interval.
* @return static
public static function createFromFormat(string $format, ?string $interval)
$instance = new static(0);
$length = mb_strlen($format);
if (preg_match('/s([,.])([uv])$/', $format, $match)) {
$interval = explode($match[1], $interval);
$index = \count($interval) - 1;
$interval[$index] = str_pad($interval[$index], $match[2] === 'v' ? 3 : 6, '0');
$interval = implode($match[1], $interval);
for ($index = 0; $index < $length; $index++) {
$expected = mb_substr($format, $index, 1);
$nextCharacter = mb_substr($interval, 0, 1);
$unit = static::$formats[$expected] ?? null;
if ($unit) {
if (!preg_match('/^-?\d+/', $interval, $match)) {
throw new ParseErrorException('number', $nextCharacter);
$interval = mb_substr($interval, mb_strlen($match[0]));
$instance->$unit += \intval($match[0]);
if ($nextCharacter !== $expected) {
throw new ParseErrorException(
'Allowed substitutes for interval formats are '.implode(', ', array_keys(static::$formats))."\n".
'See for their meaning'
$interval = mb_substr($interval, 1);
if ($interval !== '') {
throw new ParseErrorException(
'end of string',
return $instance;
* Get a copy of the instance.
* @return static
public function copy()
$date = new static(0);
$date->step = $this->step;
return $date;
* Get a copy of the instance.
* @return static
public function clone()
return $this->copy();
* Provide static helpers to create instances. Allows CarbonInterval::years(3).
* Note: This is done using the magic method to allow static and instance methods to
* have the same names.
* @param string $method magic method name called
* @param array $parameters parameters list
* @return static|null
public static function __callStatic($method, $parameters)
try {
$interval = new static(0);
$localStrictModeEnabled = $interval->localStrictModeEnabled;
$interval->localStrictModeEnabled = true;
$result = static::hasMacro($method)
? static::bindMacroContext(null, function () use (&$method, &$parameters, &$interval) {
return $interval->callMacro($method, $parameters);
: $interval->$method(...$parameters);
$interval->localStrictModeEnabled = $localStrictModeEnabled;
return $result;
} catch (BadFluentSetterException $exception) {
if (Carbon::isStrictModeEnabled()) {
throw new BadFluentConstructorException($method, 0, $exception);
return null;
* Return the current context from inside a macro callee or a new one if static.
* @return static
protected static function this()
return end(static::$macroContextStack) ?: new static(0);
* Creates a CarbonInterval from string.
* Format:
* Suffix | Unit | Example | DateInterval expression
* -------|---------|---------|------------------------
* y | years | 1y | P1Y
* mo | months | 3mo | P3M
* w | weeks | 2w | P2W
* d | days | 28d | P28D
* h | hours | 4h | PT4H
* m | minutes | 12m | PT12M
* s | seconds | 59s | PT59S
* e. g. `1w 3d 4h 32m 23s` is converted to 10 days 4 hours 32 minutes and 23 seconds.
* Special cases:
* - An empty string will return a zero interval
* - Fractions are allowed for weeks, days, hours and minutes and will be converted
* and rounded to the next smaller value (caution: 0.5w = 4d)
* @param string $intervalDefinition
* @return static
public static function fromString($intervalDefinition)
if (empty($intervalDefinition)) {
return new static(0);
$years = 0;
$months = 0;
$weeks = 0;
$days = 0;
$hours = 0;
$minutes = 0;
$seconds = 0;
$milliseconds = 0;
$microseconds = 0;
$pattern = '/(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\h*([^\d\h]*)/i';
preg_match_all($pattern, $intervalDefinition, $parts, PREG_SET_ORDER);
while ([$part, $value, $unit] = array_shift($parts)) {
$intValue = \intval($value);
$fraction = \floatval($value) - $intValue;
// Fix calculation precision
switch (round($fraction, 6)) {
case 1:
$fraction = 0;
case 0:
$fraction = 0;
switch ($unit === 'µs' ? 'µs' : strtolower($unit)) {
case 'millennia':
case 'millennium':
$years += $intValue * CarbonInterface::YEARS_PER_MILLENNIUM;
case 'century':
case 'centuries':
$years += $intValue * CarbonInterface::YEARS_PER_CENTURY;
case 'decade':
case 'decades':
$years += $intValue * CarbonInterface::YEARS_PER_DECADE;
case 'year':
case 'years':
case 'y':
$years += $intValue;
case 'quarter':
case 'quarters':
$months += $intValue * CarbonInterface::MONTHS_PER_QUARTER;
case 'month':
case 'months':
case 'mo':
$months += $intValue;
case 'week':
case 'weeks':
case 'w':
$weeks += $intValue;
if ($fraction) {
$parts[] = [null, $fraction * static::getDaysPerWeek(), 'd'];
case 'day':
case 'days':
case 'd':
$days += $intValue;
if ($fraction) {
$parts[] = [null, $fraction * static::getHoursPerDay(), 'h'];
case 'hour':
case 'hours':
case 'h':
$hours += $intValue;
if ($fraction) {
$parts[] = [null, $fraction * static::getMinutesPerHour(), 'm'];
case 'minute':
case 'minutes':
case 'm':
$minutes += $intValue;
if ($fraction) {
$parts[] = [null, $fraction * static::getSecondsPerMinute(), 's'];
case 'second':
case 'seconds':
case 's':
$seconds += $intValue;
if ($fraction) {
$parts[] = [null, $fraction * static::getMillisecondsPerSecond(), 'ms'];
case 'millisecond':
case 'milliseconds':
case 'milli':
case 'ms':
$milliseconds += $intValue;
if ($fraction) {
$microseconds += round($fraction * static::getMicrosecondsPerMillisecond());
case 'microsecond':
case 'microseconds':
case 'micro':
case 'µs':
$microseconds += $intValue;
throw new InvalidIntervalException(
sprintf('Invalid part %s in definition %s', $part, $intervalDefinition)
return new static($years, $months, $weeks, $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds, $milliseconds * Carbon::MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND + $microseconds);
* Creates a CarbonInterval from string using a different locale.
* @param string $interval interval string in the given language (may also contain English).
* @param string|null $locale if locale is null or not specified, current global locale will be used instead.
* @return static
public static function parseFromLocale($interval, $locale = null)
return static::fromString(Carbon::translateTimeString($interval, $locale ?: static::getLocale(), 'en'));
private static function castIntervalToClass(DateInterval $interval, string $className)
$mainClass = DateInterval::class;
if (!is_a($className, $mainClass, true)) {
throw new InvalidCastException("$className is not a sub-class of $mainClass.");
$microseconds = $interval->f;
$instance = new $className(static::getDateIntervalSpec($interval));
if ($microseconds) {
$instance->f = $microseconds;
if ($interval instanceof self && is_a($className, self::class, true)) {
static::copyStep($interval, $instance);
static::copyNegativeUnits($interval, $instance);
return $instance;
private static function copyNegativeUnits(DateInterval $from, DateInterval $to): void
$to->invert = $from->invert;
foreach (['y', 'm', 'd', 'h', 'i', 's'] as $unit) {
if ($from->$unit < 0) {
$to->$unit *= -1;
private static function copyStep(self $from, self $to): void
* Cast the current instance into the given class.
* @param string $className The $className::instance() method will be called to cast the current object.
* @return DateInterval
public function cast(string $className)
return self::castIntervalToClass($this, $className);
* Create a CarbonInterval instance from a DateInterval one. Can not instance
* DateInterval objects created from DateTime::diff() as you can't externally
* set the $days field.
* @param DateInterval $interval
* @return static
public static function instance(DateInterval $interval)
return self::castIntervalToClass($interval, static::class);
* Make a CarbonInterval instance from given variable if possible.
* Always return a new instance. Parse only strings and only these likely to be intervals (skip dates
* and recurrences). Throw an exception for invalid format, but otherwise return null.
* @param mixed|int|DateInterval|string|Closure|null $interval interval or number of the given $unit
* @param string|null $unit if specified, $interval must be an integer
* @return static|null
public static function make($interval, $unit = null)
if ($unit) {
$interval = "$interval ".Carbon::pluralUnit($unit);
if ($interval instanceof DateInterval) {
return static::instance($interval);
if ($interval instanceof Closure) {
return new static($interval);
if (!\is_string($interval)) {
return null;
return static::makeFromString($interval);
protected static function makeFromString(string $interval)
$interval = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($interval));
if (preg_match('/^P[T0-9]/', $interval)) {
return new static($interval);
if (preg_match('/^(?:\h*\d+(?:\.\d+)?\h*[a-z]+)+$/i', $interval)) {
return static::fromString($interval);
/** @var static $interval */
$interval = static::createFromDateString($interval);
return !$interval || $interval->isEmpty() ? null : $interval;
protected function resolveInterval($interval)
if (!($interval instanceof self)) {
return self::make($interval);
return $interval;
* Sets up a DateInterval from the relative parts of the string.
* @param string $time
* @return static
* @link
public static function createFromDateString($time)
$interval = @parent::createFromDateString(strtr($time, [
',' => ' ',
' and ' => ' ',
if ($interval instanceof DateInterval) {
$interval = static::instance($interval);
return $interval;
///////////////////////// GETTERS AND SETTERS /////////////////////
* Get a part of the CarbonInterval object.
* @param string $name
* @throws UnknownGetterException
* @return int|float|string
public function get($name)
if (substr($name, 0, 5) === 'total') {
return $this->total(substr($name, 5));
switch ($name) {
case 'years':
return $this->y;
case 'months':
return $this->m;
case 'dayz':
return $this->d;
case 'hours':
return $this->h;
case 'minutes':
return $this->i;
case 'seconds':
return $this->s;
case 'milli':
case 'milliseconds':
return (int) (round($this->f * Carbon::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND) / Carbon::MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND);
case 'micro':
case 'microseconds':
return (int) round($this->f * Carbon::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND);
case 'microExcludeMilli':
return (int) round($this->f * Carbon::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND) % Carbon::MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND;
case 'weeks':
return (int) ($this->d / static::getDaysPerWeek());
case 'daysExcludeWeeks':
case 'dayzExcludeWeeks':
return $this->d % static::getDaysPerWeek();
case 'locale':
return $this->getTranslatorLocale();
throw new UnknownGetterException($name);
* Get a part of the CarbonInterval object.
* @param string $name
* @throws UnknownGetterException
* @return int|float|string
public function __get($name)
return $this->get($name);
* Set a part of the CarbonInterval object.
* @param string|array $name
* @param int $value
* @throws UnknownSetterException
* @return $this
public function set($name, $value = null)
$properties = \is_array($name) ? $name : [$name => $value];
foreach ($properties as $key => $value) {
switch (Carbon::singularUnit(rtrim($key, 'z'))) {
case 'year':
$this->y = $value;
case 'month':
$this->m = $value;
case 'week':
$this->d = $value * static::getDaysPerWeek();
case 'day':
$this->d = $value;
case 'daysexcludeweek':
case 'dayzexcludeweek':
$this->d = $this->weeks * static::getDaysPerWeek() + $value;
case 'hour':
$this->h = $value;
case 'minute':
$this->i = $value;
case 'second':
$this->s = $value;
case 'milli':
case 'millisecond':
$this->microseconds = $value * Carbon::MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND + $this->microseconds % Carbon::MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND;
case 'micro':
case 'microsecond':
$this->f = $value / Carbon::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND;
if ($this->localStrictModeEnabled ?? Carbon::isStrictModeEnabled()) {
throw new UnknownSetterException($key);
$this->$key = $value;
return $this;
* Set a part of the CarbonInterval object.
* @param string $name
* @param int $value
* @throws UnknownSetterException
public function __set($name, $value)
$this->set($name, $value);
* Allow setting of weeks and days to be cumulative.
* @param int $weeks Number of weeks to set
* @param int $days Number of days to set
* @return static
public function weeksAndDays($weeks, $days)
$this->dayz = ($weeks * static::getDaysPerWeek()) + $days;
return $this;
* Returns true if the interval is empty for each unit.
* @return bool
public function isEmpty()
return $this->years === 0 &&
$this->months === 0 &&
$this->dayz === 0 &&
!$this->days &&
$this->hours === 0 &&
$this->minutes === 0 &&
$this->seconds === 0 &&
$this->microseconds === 0;
* Register a custom macro.
* @example
* ```
* CarbonInterval::macro('twice', function () {
* return $this->times(2);
* });
* echo CarbonInterval::hours(2)->twice();
* ```
* @param string $name
* @param object|callable $macro
* @return void
public static function macro($name, $macro)
static::$macros[$name] = $macro;
* Register macros from a mixin object.
* @example
* ```
* CarbonInterval::mixin(new class {
* public function daysToHours() {
* return function () {
* $this->hours += $this->days;
* $this->days = 0;
* return $this;
* };
* }
* public function hoursToDays() {
* return function () {
* $this->days += $this->hours;
* $this->hours = 0;
* return $this;
* };
* }
* });
* echo CarbonInterval::hours(5)->hoursToDays() . "\n";
* echo CarbonInterval::days(5)->daysToHours() . "\n";
* ```
* @param object|string $mixin
* @throws ReflectionException
* @return void
public static function mixin($mixin)
* Check if macro is registered.
* @param string $name
* @return bool
public static function hasMacro($name)
return isset(static::$macros[$name]);
* Call given macro.
* @param string $name
* @param array $parameters
* @return mixed
protected function callMacro($name, $parameters)
$macro = static::$macros[$name];
if ($macro instanceof Closure) {
$boundMacro = @$macro->bindTo($this, static::class) ?: @$macro->bindTo(null, static::class);
return ($boundMacro ?: $macro)(...$parameters);
return $macro(...$parameters);
* Allow fluent calls on the setters... CarbonInterval::years(3)->months(5)->day().
* Note: This is done using the magic method to allow static and instance methods to
* have the same names.
* @param string $method magic method name called
* @param array $parameters parameters list
* @throws BadFluentSetterException|Throwable
* @return static
public function __call($method, $parameters)
if (static::hasMacro($method)) {
return static::bindMacroContext($this, function () use (&$method, &$parameters) {
return $this->callMacro($method, $parameters);
$roundedValue = $this->callRoundMethod($method, $parameters);
if ($roundedValue !== null) {
return $roundedValue;
if (preg_match('/^(?<method>add|sub)(?<unit>[A-Z].*)$/', $method, $match)) {
return $this->{$match['method']}($parameters[0], $match['unit']);
try {
$this->set($method, \count($parameters) === 0 ? 1 : $parameters[0]);
} catch (UnknownSetterException $exception) {
if ($this->localStrictModeEnabled ?? Carbon::isStrictModeEnabled()) {
throw new BadFluentSetterException($method, 0, $exception);
return $this;
protected function getForHumansInitialVariables($syntax, $short)
if (\is_array($syntax)) {
return $syntax;
if (\is_int($short)) {
return [
'parts' => $short,
'short' => false,
if (\is_bool($syntax)) {
return [
'short' => $syntax,
'syntax' => CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE,
return [];
* @param mixed $syntax
* @param mixed $short
* @param mixed $parts
* @param mixed $options
* @return array
protected function getForHumansParameters($syntax = null, $short = false, $parts = -1, $options = null)
$optionalSpace = ' ';
$default = $this->getTranslationMessage('list.0') ?? $this->getTranslationMessage('list') ?? ' ';
$join = $default === '' ? '' : ' ';
$altNumbers = false;
$aUnit = false;
$minimumUnit = 's';
extract($this->getForHumansInitialVariables($syntax, $short));
if (\is_null($syntax)) {
$syntax = CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE;
if ($parts === -1) {
$parts = INF;
if (\is_null($options)) {
$options = static::getHumanDiffOptions();
if ($join === false) {
$join = ' ';
} elseif ($join === true) {
$join = [
$this->getTranslationMessage('list.1') ?? $default,
if ($altNumbers) {
if ($altNumbers !== true) {
$language = new Language($this->locale);
$altNumbers = \in_array($language->getCode(), (array) $altNumbers);
if (\is_array($join)) {
[$default, $last] = $join;
if ($default !== ' ') {
$optionalSpace = '';
$join = function ($list) use ($default, $last) {
if (\count($list) < 2) {
return implode('', $list);
$end = array_pop($list);
return implode($default, $list).$last.$end;
if (\is_string($join)) {
if ($join !== ' ') {
$optionalSpace = '';
$glue = $join;
$join = function ($list) use ($glue) {
return implode($glue, $list);
$interpolations = [
':optional-space' => $optionalSpace,
return [$syntax, $short, $parts, $options, $join, $aUnit, $altNumbers, $interpolations, $minimumUnit];
protected static function getRoundingMethodFromOptions(int $options): ?string
if ($options & CarbonInterface::ROUND) {
return 'round';
if ($options & CarbonInterface::CEIL) {
return 'ceil';
if ($options & CarbonInterface::FLOOR) {
return 'floor';
return null;
* Returns interval values as an array where key are the unit names and values the counts.
* @return int[]
public function toArray()
return [
'years' => $this->years,
'months' => $this->months,
'weeks' => $this->weeks,
'days' => $this->daysExcludeWeeks,
'hours' => $this->hours,
'minutes' => $this->minutes,
'seconds' => $this->seconds,
'microseconds' => $this->microseconds,
* Returns interval non-zero values as an array where key are the unit names and values the counts.
* @return int[]
public function getNonZeroValues()
return array_filter($this->toArray(), 'intval');
* Returns interval values as an array where key are the unit names and values the counts
* from the biggest non-zero one the the smallest non-zero one.
* @return int[]
public function getValuesSequence()
$nonZeroValues = $this->getNonZeroValues();
if ($nonZeroValues === []) {
return [];
$keys = array_keys($nonZeroValues);
$firstKey = $keys[0];
$lastKey = $keys[\count($keys) - 1];
$values = [];
$record = false;
foreach ($this->toArray() as $unit => $count) {
if ($unit === $firstKey) {
$record = true;
if ($record) {
$values[$unit] = $count;
if ($unit === $lastKey) {
$record = false;
return $values;
* Get the current interval in a human readable format in the current locale.
* @example
* ```
* echo CarbonInterval::fromString('4d 3h 40m')->forHumans() . "\n";
* echo CarbonInterval::fromString('4d 3h 40m')->forHumans(['parts' => 2]) . "\n";
* echo CarbonInterval::fromString('4d 3h 40m')->forHumans(['parts' => 3, 'join' => true]) . "\n";
* echo CarbonInterval::fromString('4d 3h 40m')->forHumans(['short' => true]) . "\n";
* echo CarbonInterval::fromString('1d 24h')->forHumans(['join' => ' or ']) . "\n";
* echo CarbonInterval::fromString('1d 24h')->forHumans(['minimumUnit' => 'hour']) . "\n";
* ```
* @param int|array $syntax if array passed, parameters will be extracted from it, the array may contains:
* - 'syntax' entry (see below)
* - 'short' entry (see below)
* - 'parts' entry (see below)
* - 'options' entry (see below)
* - 'aUnit' entry, prefer "an hour" over "1 hour" if true
* - 'join' entry determines how to join multiple parts of the string
* ` - if $join is a string, it's used as a joiner glue
* ` - if $join is a callable/closure, it get the list of string and should return a string
* ` - if $join is an array, the first item will be the default glue, and the second item
* ` will be used instead of the glue for the last item
* ` - if $join is true, it will be guessed from the locale ('list' translation file entry)
* ` - if $join is missing, a space will be used as glue
* - 'minimumUnit' entry determines the smallest unit of time to display can be long or
* ` short form of the units, e.g. 'hour' or 'h' (default value: s)
* if int passed, it add modifiers:
* Possible values:
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE no modifiers
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW add ago/from now modifier
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_OTHER add before/after modifier
* Default value: CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE
* @param bool $short displays short format of time units
* @param int $parts maximum number of parts to display (default value: -1: no limits)
* @param int $options human diff options
* @throws Exception
* @return string
public function forHumans($syntax = null, $short = false, $parts = -1, $options = null)
[$syntax, $short, $parts, $options, $join, $aUnit, $altNumbers, $interpolations, $minimumUnit] = $this->getForHumansParameters($syntax, $short, $parts, $options);
$interval = [];
$syntax = (int) ($syntax === null ? CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE : $syntax);
$absolute = $syntax === CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE;
$relativeToNow = $syntax === CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW;
$count = 1;
$unit = $short ? 's' : 'second';
$isFuture = $this->invert === 1;
$transId = $relativeToNow ? ($isFuture ? 'from_now' : 'ago') : ($isFuture ? 'after' : 'before');
/** @var \Symfony\Component\Translation\Translator $translator */
$translator = $this->getLocalTranslator();
$handleDeclensions = function ($unit, $count) use ($interpolations, $transId, $translator, $altNumbers, $absolute) {
if (!$absolute) {
// Some languages have special pluralization for past and future tense.
$key = $unit.'_'.$transId;
$result = $this->translate($key, $interpolations, $count, $translator, $altNumbers);
if ($result !== $key) {
return $result;
$result = $this->translate($unit, $interpolations, $count, $translator, $altNumbers);
if ($result !== $unit) {
return $result;
return null;
$intervalValues = $this;
$method = static::getRoundingMethodFromOptions($options);
if ($method) {
$previousCount = INF;
while (
\count($intervalValues->getNonZeroValues()) > $parts &&
($count = \count($keys = array_keys($intervalValues->getValuesSequence()))) > 1
) {
$intervalValues = $this->copy()->roundUnit(
$keys[min($count, $previousCount - 1) - 2],
$previousCount = $count;
$diffIntervalArray = [
['value' => $intervalValues->years, 'unit' => 'year', 'unitShort' => 'y'],
['value' => $intervalValues->months, 'unit' => 'month', 'unitShort' => 'm'],
['value' => $intervalValues->weeks, 'unit' => 'week', 'unitShort' => 'w'],
['value' => $intervalValues->daysExcludeWeeks, 'unit' => 'day', 'unitShort' => 'd'],
['value' => $intervalValues->hours, 'unit' => 'hour', 'unitShort' => 'h'],
['value' => $intervalValues->minutes, 'unit' => 'minute', 'unitShort' => 'min'],
['value' => $intervalValues->seconds, 'unit' => 'second', 'unitShort' => 's'],
['value' => $intervalValues->milliseconds, 'unit' => 'millisecond', 'unitShort' => 'ms'],
['value' => $intervalValues->microExcludeMilli, 'unit' => 'microsecond', 'unitShort' => 'µs'],
$transChoice = function ($short, $unitData) use ($absolute, $handleDeclensions, $translator, $aUnit, $altNumbers, $interpolations) {
$count = $unitData['value'];
if ($short) {
$result = $handleDeclensions($unitData['unitShort'], $count);
if ($result !== null) {
return $result;
} elseif ($aUnit) {
$result = $handleDeclensions('a_'.$unitData['unit'], $count);
if ($result !== null) {
return $result;
if (!$absolute) {
return $handleDeclensions($unitData['unit'], $count);
return $this->translate($unitData['unit'], $interpolations, $count, $translator, $altNumbers);
$fallbackUnit = ['second', 's'];
foreach ($diffIntervalArray as $diffIntervalData) {
if ($diffIntervalData['value'] > 0) {
$unit = $short ? $diffIntervalData['unitShort'] : $diffIntervalData['unit'];
$count = $diffIntervalData['value'];
$interval[] = $transChoice($short, $diffIntervalData);
} elseif ($options & CarbonInterface::SEQUENTIAL_PARTS_ONLY && \count($interval) > 0) {
// break the loop after we get the required number of parts in array
if (\count($interval) >= $parts) {
// break the loop after we have reached the minimum unit
if (\in_array($minimumUnit, [$diffIntervalData['unit'], $diffIntervalData['unitShort']])) {
$fallbackUnit = [$diffIntervalData['unit'], $diffIntervalData['unitShort']];
if (\count($interval) === 0) {
if ($relativeToNow && $options & CarbonInterface::JUST_NOW) {
$key = 'diff_now';
$translation = $this->translate($key, $interpolations, null, $translator);
if ($translation !== $key) {
return $translation;
$count = $options & CarbonInterface::NO_ZERO_DIFF ? 1 : 0;
$unit = $fallbackUnit[$short ? 1 : 0];
$interval[] = $this->translate($unit, $interpolations, $count, $translator, $altNumbers);
// join the interval parts by a space
$time = $join($interval);
unset($diffIntervalArray, $interval);
if ($absolute) {
return $time;
$isFuture = $this->invert === 1;
$transId = $relativeToNow ? ($isFuture ? 'from_now' : 'ago') : ($isFuture ? 'after' : 'before');
if ($parts === 1) {
if ($relativeToNow && $unit === 'day') {
if ($count === 1 && $options & CarbonInterface::ONE_DAY_WORDS) {
$key = $isFuture ? 'diff_tomorrow' : 'diff_yesterday';
$translation = $this->translate($key, $interpolations, null, $translator);
if ($translation !== $key) {
return $translation;
if ($count === 2 && $options & CarbonInterface::TWO_DAY_WORDS) {
$key = $isFuture ? 'diff_after_tomorrow' : 'diff_before_yesterday';
$translation = $this->translate($key, $interpolations, null, $translator);
if ($translation !== $key) {
return $translation;
$aTime = $aUnit ? $handleDeclensions('a_'.$unit, $count) : null;
$time = $aTime ?: $handleDeclensions($unit, $count) ?: $time;
$time = [':time' => $time];
return $this->translate($transId, array_merge($time, $interpolations, $time), null, $translator);
* Format the instance as a string using the forHumans() function.
* @throws Exception
* @return string
public function __toString()
$format = $this->localToStringFormat;
if ($format) {
if ($format instanceof Closure) {
return $format($this);
return $this->format($format);
return $this->forHumans();
* Return native DateInterval PHP object matching the current instance.
* @example
* ```
* var_dump(CarbonInterval::hours(2)->toDateInterval());
* ```
* @return DateInterval
public function toDateInterval()
return self::castIntervalToClass($this, DateInterval::class);
* Convert the interval to a CarbonPeriod.
* @param array ...$params Start date, [end date or recurrences] and optional settings.
* @return CarbonPeriod
public function toPeriod(...$params)
return CarbonPeriod::create($this, ...$params);
* Invert the interval.
* @param bool|int $inverted if a parameter is passed, the passed value casted as 1 or 0 is used
* as the new value of the ->invert property.
* @return $this
public function invert($inverted = null)
$this->invert = (\func_num_args() === 0 ? !$this->invert : $inverted) ? 1 : 0;
return $this;
protected function solveNegativeInterval()
if (!$this->isEmpty() && $this->years <= 0 && $this->months <= 0 && $this->dayz <= 0 && $this->hours <= 0 && $this->minutes <= 0 && $this->seconds <= 0 && $this->microseconds <= 0) {
$this->years *= -1;
$this->months *= -1;
$this->dayz *= -1;
$this->hours *= -1;
$this->minutes *= -1;
$this->seconds *= -1;
$this->microseconds *= -1;
return $this;
* Add the passed interval to the current instance.
* @param string|DateInterval $unit
* @param int|float $value
* @return $this
public function add($unit, $value = 1)
if (is_numeric($unit)) {
[$value, $unit] = [$unit, $value];
if (\is_string($unit) && !preg_match('/^\s*\d/', $unit)) {
$unit = "$value $unit";
$value = 1;
$interval = static::make($unit);
if (!$interval) {
throw new InvalidIntervalException('This type of data cannot be added/subtracted.');
if ($value !== 1) {
$sign = ($this->invert === 1) !== ($interval->invert === 1) ? -1 : 1;
$this->years += $interval->y * $sign;
$this->months += $interval->m * $sign;
$this->dayz += ($interval->days === false ? $interval->d : $interval->days) * $sign;
$this->hours += $interval->h * $sign;
$this->minutes += $interval->i * $sign;
$this->seconds += $interval->s * $sign;
$this->microseconds += $interval->microseconds * $sign;
return $this;
* Subtract the passed interval to the current instance.
* @param string|DateInterval $unit
* @param int|float $value
* @return $this
public function sub($unit, $value = 1)
if (is_numeric($unit)) {
[$value, $unit] = [$unit, $value];
return $this->add($unit, -\floatval($value));
* Subtract the passed interval to the current instance.
* @param string|DateInterval $unit
* @param int|float $value
* @return $this
public function subtract($unit, $value = 1)
return $this->sub($unit, $value);
* Add given parameters to the current interval.
* @param int $years
* @param int $months
* @param int|float $weeks
* @param int|float $days
* @param int|float $hours
* @param int|float $minutes
* @param int|float $seconds
* @param int|float $microseconds
* @return $this
public function plus(
$years = 0,
$months = 0,
$weeks = 0,
$days = 0,
$hours = 0,
$minutes = 0,
$seconds = 0,
$microseconds = 0
): self {
return $this->add("
$years years $months months $weeks weeks $days days
$hours hours $minutes minutes $seconds seconds $microseconds microseconds
* Add given parameters to the current interval.
* @param int $years
* @param int $months
* @param int|float $weeks
* @param int|float $days
* @param int|float $hours
* @param int|float $minutes
* @param int|float $seconds
* @param int|float $microseconds
* @return $this
public function minus(
$years = 0,
$months = 0,
$weeks = 0,
$days = 0,
$hours = 0,
$minutes = 0,
$seconds = 0,
$microseconds = 0
): self {
return $this->sub("
$years years $months months $weeks weeks $days days
$hours hours $minutes minutes $seconds seconds $microseconds microseconds
* Multiply current instance given number of times. times() is naive, it multiplies each unit
* (so day can be greater than 31, hour can be greater than 23, etc.) and the result is rounded
* separately for each unit.
* Use times() when you want a fast and approximated calculation that does not cascade units.
* For a precise and cascaded calculation,
* @see multiply()
* @param float|int $factor
* @return $this
public function times($factor)
if ($factor < 0) {
$this->invert = $this->invert ? 0 : 1;
$factor = -$factor;
$this->years = (int) round($this->years * $factor);
$this->months = (int) round($this->months * $factor);
$this->dayz = (int) round($this->dayz * $factor);
$this->hours = (int) round($this->hours * $factor);
$this->minutes = (int) round($this->minutes * $factor);
$this->seconds = (int) round($this->seconds * $factor);
$this->microseconds = (int) round($this->microseconds * $factor);
return $this;
* Divide current instance by a given divider. shares() is naive, it divides each unit separately
* and the result is rounded for each unit. So 5 hours and 20 minutes shared by 3 becomes 2 hours
* and 7 minutes.
* Use shares() when you want a fast and approximated calculation that does not cascade units.
* For a precise and cascaded calculation,
* @see divide()
* @param float|int $divider
* @return $this
public function shares($divider)
return $this->times(1 / $divider);
protected function copyProperties(self $interval, $ignoreSign = false)
$this->years = $interval->years;
$this->months = $interval->months;
$this->dayz = $interval->dayz;
$this->hours = $interval->hours;
$this->minutes = $interval->minutes;
$this->seconds = $interval->seconds;
$this->microseconds = $interval->microseconds;
if (!$ignoreSign) {
$this->invert = $interval->invert;
return $this;
* Multiply and cascade current instance by a given factor.
* @param float|int $factor
* @return $this
public function multiply($factor)
if ($factor < 0) {
$this->invert = $this->invert ? 0 : 1;
$factor = -$factor;
$yearPart = (int) floor($this->years * $factor); // Split calculation to prevent imprecision
if ($yearPart) {
$this->years -= $yearPart / $factor;
return $this->copyProperties(
->microseconds(abs($this->totalMicroseconds) * $factor)
* Divide and cascade current instance by a given divider.
* @param float|int $divider
* @return $this
public function divide($divider)
return $this->multiply(1 / $divider);
* Get the interval_spec string of a date interval.
* @param DateInterval $interval
* @return string
public static function getDateIntervalSpec(DateInterval $interval)
$date = array_filter([
static::PERIOD_YEARS => abs($interval->y),
static::PERIOD_MONTHS => abs($interval->m),
static::PERIOD_DAYS => abs($interval->d),
$time = array_filter([
static::PERIOD_HOURS => abs($interval->h),
static::PERIOD_MINUTES => abs($interval->i),
static::PERIOD_SECONDS => abs($interval->s),
$specString = static::PERIOD_PREFIX;
foreach ($date as $key => $value) {
$specString .= $value.$key;
if (\count($time) > 0) {
$specString .= static::PERIOD_TIME_PREFIX;
foreach ($time as $key => $value) {
$specString .= $value.$key;
return $specString === static::PERIOD_PREFIX ? 'PT0S' : $specString;
* Get the interval_spec string.
* @return string
public function spec()
return static::getDateIntervalSpec($this);
* Comparing 2 date intervals.
* @param DateInterval $first
* @param DateInterval $second
* @return int
public static function compareDateIntervals(DateInterval $first, DateInterval $second)
$current = Carbon::now();
$passed = $current->copy()->add($second);
if ($current < $passed) {
return -1;
if ($current > $passed) {
return 1;
return 0;
* Comparing with passed interval.
* @param DateInterval $interval
* @return int
public function compare(DateInterval $interval)
return static::compareDateIntervals($this, $interval);
private function invertCascade(array $values)
return $this->set(array_map(function ($value) {
return -$value;
}, $values))->doCascade(true)->invert();
private function doCascade(bool $deep)
$originalData = $this->toArray();
$originalData['milliseconds'] = (int) ($originalData['microseconds'] / static::getMicrosecondsPerMillisecond());
$originalData['microseconds'] = $originalData['microseconds'] % static::getMicrosecondsPerMillisecond();
$originalData['daysExcludeWeeks'] = $originalData['days'];
$newData = $originalData;
foreach (static::getFlipCascadeFactors() as $source => [$target, $factor]) {
foreach (['source', 'target'] as $key) {
if ($$key === 'dayz') {
$$key = 'daysExcludeWeeks';
$value = $newData[$source];
$modulo = ($factor + ($value % $factor)) % $factor;
$newData[$source] = $modulo;
$newData[$target] += ($value - $modulo) / $factor;
$positive = null;
if (!$deep) {
foreach ($newData as $value) {
if ($value) {
if ($positive === null) {
$positive = ($value > 0);
if (($value > 0) !== $positive) {
return $this->invertCascade($originalData)
return $this->set($newData)
* Convert overflowed values into bigger units.
* @return $this
public function cascade()
return $this->doCascade(false);
public function hasNegativeValues(): bool
foreach ($this->toArray() as $value) {
if ($value < 0) {
return true;
return false;
public function hasPositiveValues(): bool
foreach ($this->toArray() as $value) {
if ($value > 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Get amount of given unit equivalent to the interval.
* @param string $unit
* @throws UnknownUnitException|UnitNotConfiguredException
* @return float
public function total($unit)
$realUnit = $unit = strtolower($unit);
if (\in_array($unit, ['days', 'weeks'])) {
$realUnit = 'dayz';
} elseif (!\in_array($unit, ['microseconds', 'milliseconds', 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'dayz', 'months', 'years'])) {
throw new UnknownUnitException($unit);
$result = 0;
$cumulativeFactor = 0;
$unitFound = false;
$factors = static::getFlipCascadeFactors();
$daysPerWeek = static::getDaysPerWeek();
$values = [
'years' => $this->years,
'months' => $this->months,
'weeks' => (int) ($this->d / $daysPerWeek),
'dayz' => (int) ($this->d % $daysPerWeek),
'hours' => $this->hours,
'minutes' => $this->minutes,
'seconds' => $this->seconds,
'milliseconds' => (int) ($this->microseconds / Carbon::MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND),
'microseconds' => (int) ($this->microseconds % Carbon::MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND),
if (isset($factors['dayz']) && $factors['dayz'][0] !== 'weeks') {
$values['dayz'] += $values['weeks'] * $daysPerWeek;
$values['weeks'] = 0;
foreach ($factors as $source => [$target, $factor]) {
if ($source === $realUnit) {
$unitFound = true;
$value = $values[$source];
$result += $value;
$cumulativeFactor = 1;
if ($factor === false) {
if ($unitFound) {
$result = 0;
$cumulativeFactor = 0;
if ($target === $realUnit) {
$unitFound = true;
if ($cumulativeFactor) {
$cumulativeFactor *= $factor;
$result += $values[$target] * $cumulativeFactor;
$value = $values[$source];
$result = ($result + $value) / $factor;
if (isset($target) && !$cumulativeFactor) {
$result += $values[$target];
if (!$unitFound) {
throw new UnitNotConfiguredException($unit);
if ($this->invert) {
$result *= -1;
if ($unit === 'weeks') {
return $result / $daysPerWeek;
return $result;
* Determines if the instance is equal to another
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval
* @see equalTo()
* @return bool
public function eq($interval): bool
return $this->equalTo($interval);
* Determines if the instance is equal to another
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval
* @return bool
public function equalTo($interval): bool
$interval = $this->resolveInterval($interval);
return $interval !== null && $this->totalMicroseconds === $interval->totalMicroseconds;
* Determines if the instance is not equal to another
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval
* @see notEqualTo()
* @return bool
public function ne($interval): bool
return $this->notEqualTo($interval);
* Determines if the instance is not equal to another
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval
* @return bool
public function notEqualTo($interval): bool
return !$this->eq($interval);
* Determines if the instance is greater (longer) than another
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval
* @see greaterThan()
* @return bool
public function gt($interval): bool
return $this->greaterThan($interval);
* Determines if the instance is greater (longer) than another
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval
* @return bool
public function greaterThan($interval): bool
$interval = $this->resolveInterval($interval);
return $interval === null || $this->totalMicroseconds > $interval->totalMicroseconds;
* Determines if the instance is greater (longer) than or equal to another
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval
* @see greaterThanOrEqualTo()
* @return bool
public function gte($interval): bool
return $this->greaterThanOrEqualTo($interval);
* Determines if the instance is greater (longer) than or equal to another
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval
* @return bool
public function greaterThanOrEqualTo($interval): bool
return $this->greaterThan($interval) || $this->equalTo($interval);
* Determines if the instance is less (shorter) than another
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval
* @see lessThan()
* @return bool
public function lt($interval): bool
return $this->lessThan($interval);
* Determines if the instance is less (shorter) than another
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval
* @return bool
public function lessThan($interval): bool
$interval = $this->resolveInterval($interval);
return $interval !== null && $this->totalMicroseconds < $interval->totalMicroseconds;
* Determines if the instance is less (shorter) than or equal to another
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval
* @see lessThanOrEqualTo()
* @return bool
public function lte($interval): bool
return $this->lessThanOrEqualTo($interval);
* Determines if the instance is less (shorter) than or equal to another
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval
* @return bool
public function lessThanOrEqualTo($interval): bool
return $this->lessThan($interval) || $this->equalTo($interval);
* Determines if the instance is between two others.
* The third argument allow you to specify if bounds are included or not (true by default)
* but for when you including/excluding bounds may produce different results in your application,
* we recommend to use the explicit methods ->betweenIncluded() or ->betweenExcluded() instead.
* @example
* ```
* CarbonInterval::hours(48)->between(CarbonInterval::day(), CarbonInterval::days(3)); // true
* CarbonInterval::hours(48)->between(CarbonInterval::day(), CarbonInterval::hours(36)); // false
* CarbonInterval::hours(48)->between(CarbonInterval::day(), CarbonInterval::days(2)); // true
* CarbonInterval::hours(48)->between(CarbonInterval::day(), CarbonInterval::days(2), false); // false
* ```
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval1
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval2
* @param bool $equal Indicates if an equal to comparison should be done
* @return bool
public function between($interval1, $interval2, $equal = true): bool
return $equal
? $this->greaterThanOrEqualTo($interval1) && $this->lessThanOrEqualTo($interval2)
: $this->greaterThan($interval1) && $this->lessThan($interval2);
* Determines if the instance is between two others, bounds excluded.
* @example
* ```
* CarbonInterval::hours(48)->betweenExcluded(CarbonInterval::day(), CarbonInterval::days(3)); // true
* CarbonInterval::hours(48)->betweenExcluded(CarbonInterval::day(), CarbonInterval::hours(36)); // false
* CarbonInterval::hours(48)->betweenExcluded(CarbonInterval::day(), CarbonInterval::days(2)); // true
* ```
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval1
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval2
* @return bool
public function betweenIncluded($interval1, $interval2): bool
return $this->between($interval1, $interval2, true);
* Determines if the instance is between two others, bounds excluded.
* @example
* ```
* CarbonInterval::hours(48)->betweenExcluded(CarbonInterval::day(), CarbonInterval::days(3)); // true
* CarbonInterval::hours(48)->betweenExcluded(CarbonInterval::day(), CarbonInterval::hours(36)); // false
* CarbonInterval::hours(48)->betweenExcluded(CarbonInterval::day(), CarbonInterval::days(2)); // false
* ```
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval1
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval2
* @return bool
public function betweenExcluded($interval1, $interval2): bool
return $this->between($interval1, $interval2, false);
* Determines if the instance is between two others
* @example
* ```
* CarbonInterval::hours(48)->isBetween(CarbonInterval::day(), CarbonInterval::days(3)); // true
* CarbonInterval::hours(48)->isBetween(CarbonInterval::day(), CarbonInterval::hours(36)); // false
* CarbonInterval::hours(48)->isBetween(CarbonInterval::day(), CarbonInterval::days(2)); // true
* CarbonInterval::hours(48)->isBetween(CarbonInterval::day(), CarbonInterval::days(2), false); // false
* ```
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval1
* @param CarbonInterval|DateInterval|mixed $interval2
* @param bool $equal Indicates if an equal to comparison should be done
* @return bool
public function isBetween($interval1, $interval2, $equal = true): bool
return $this->between($interval1, $interval2, $equal);
* Round the current instance at the given unit with given precision if specified and the given function.
* @param string $unit
* @param float|int|string|DateInterval|null $precision
* @param string $function
* @throws Exception
* @return $this
public function roundUnit($unit, $precision = 1, $function = 'round')
$base = CarbonImmutable::parse('2000-01-01 00:00:00', 'UTC')
->roundUnit($unit, $precision, $function);
$next = $base->add($this);
$inverted = $next < $base;
if ($inverted) {
$next = $base->sub($this);
->roundUnit($unit, $precision, $function)
return $this->invert($inverted);
* Truncate the current instance at the given unit with given precision if specified.
* @param string $unit
* @param float|int|string|DateInterval|null $precision
* @throws Exception
* @return $this
public function floorUnit($unit, $precision = 1)
return $this->roundUnit($unit, $precision, 'floor');
* Ceil the current instance at the given unit with given precision if specified.
* @param string $unit
* @param float|int|string|DateInterval|null $precision
* @throws Exception
* @return $this
public function ceilUnit($unit, $precision = 1)
return $this->roundUnit($unit, $precision, 'ceil');
* Round the current instance second with given precision if specified.
* @param float|int|string|DateInterval|null $precision
* @param string $function
* @throws Exception
* @return $this
public function round($precision = 1, $function = 'round')
return $this->roundWith($precision, $function);
* Round the current instance second with given precision if specified.
* @param float|int|string|DateInterval|null $precision
* @throws Exception
* @return $this
public function floor($precision = 1)
return $this->round($precision, 'floor');
* Ceil the current instance second with given precision if specified.
* @param float|int|string|DateInterval|null $precision
* @throws Exception
* @return $this
public function ceil($precision = 1)
return $this->round($precision, 'ceil');
* This file is part of the Carbon package.
* (c) Brian Nesbitt <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Carbon;
use Carbon\Exceptions\InvalidCastException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\InvalidIntervalException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\InvalidPeriodDateException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\InvalidPeriodParameterException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\NotACarbonClassException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\NotAPeriodException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\UnknownGetterException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\UnknownMethodException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\UnreachableException;
use Carbon\Traits\IntervalRounding;
use Carbon\Traits\Mixin;
use Carbon\Traits\Options;
use Closure;
use Countable;
use DateInterval;
use DatePeriod;
use DateTime;
use DateTimeInterface;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Iterator;
use JsonSerializable;
use ReflectionException;
use RuntimeException;
* Substitution of DatePeriod with some modifications and many more features.
* @property-read int|float $recurrences number of recurrences (if end not set).
* @property-read bool $include_start_date rather the start date is included in the iteration.
* @property-read bool $include_end_date rather the end date is included in the iteration (if recurrences not set).
* @property-read CarbonInterface $start Period start date.
* @property-read CarbonInterface $current Current date from the iteration.
* @property-read CarbonInterface $end Period end date.
* @property-read CarbonInterval $interval Underlying date interval instance. Always present, one day by default.
* @method static CarbonPeriod start($date, $inclusive = null) Create instance specifying start date or modify the start date if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod since($date, $inclusive = null) Alias for start().
* @method static CarbonPeriod sinceNow($inclusive = null) Create instance with start date set to now or set the start date to now if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod end($date = null, $inclusive = null) Create instance specifying end date or modify the end date if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod until($date = null, $inclusive = null) Alias for end().
* @method static CarbonPeriod untilNow($inclusive = null) Create instance with end date set to now or set the end date to now if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod dates($start, $end = null) Create instance with start and end dates or modify the start and end dates if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod between($start, $end = null) Create instance with start and end dates or modify the start and end dates if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod recurrences($recurrences = null) Create instance with maximum number of recurrences or modify the number of recurrences if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod times($recurrences = null) Alias for recurrences().
* @method static CarbonPeriod options($options = null) Create instance with options or modify the options if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod toggle($options, $state = null) Create instance with options toggled on or off, or toggle options if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod filter($callback, $name = null) Create instance with filter added to the stack or append a filter if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod push($callback, $name = null) Alias for filter().
* @method static CarbonPeriod prepend($callback, $name = null) Create instance with filter prepended to the stack or prepend a filter if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod filters(array $filters = []) Create instance with filters stack or replace the whole filters stack if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod interval($interval) Create instance with given date interval or modify the interval if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod each($interval) Create instance with given date interval or modify the interval if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod every($interval) Create instance with given date interval or modify the interval if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod step($interval) Create instance with given date interval or modify the interval if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod stepBy($interval) Create instance with given date interval or modify the interval if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod invert() Create instance with inverted date interval or invert the interval if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod years($years = 1) Create instance specifying a number of years for date interval or replace the interval by the given a number of years if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod year($years = 1) Alias for years().
* @method static CarbonPeriod months($months = 1) Create instance specifying a number of months for date interval or replace the interval by the given a number of months if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod month($months = 1) Alias for months().
* @method static CarbonPeriod weeks($weeks = 1) Create instance specifying a number of weeks for date interval or replace the interval by the given a number of weeks if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod week($weeks = 1) Alias for weeks().
* @method static CarbonPeriod days($days = 1) Create instance specifying a number of days for date interval or replace the interval by the given a number of days if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod dayz($days = 1) Alias for days().
* @method static CarbonPeriod day($days = 1) Alias for days().
* @method static CarbonPeriod hours($hours = 1) Create instance specifying a number of hours for date interval or replace the interval by the given a number of hours if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod hour($hours = 1) Alias for hours().
* @method static CarbonPeriod minutes($minutes = 1) Create instance specifying a number of minutes for date interval or replace the interval by the given a number of minutes if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod minute($minutes = 1) Alias for minutes().
* @method static CarbonPeriod seconds($seconds = 1) Create instance specifying a number of seconds for date interval or replace the interval by the given a number of seconds if called on an instance.
* @method static CarbonPeriod second($seconds = 1) Alias for seconds().
* @method $this roundYear(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance year with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundYears(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance year with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorYear(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance year with given precision.
* @method $this floorYears(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance year with given precision.
* @method $this ceilYear(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance year with given precision.
* @method $this ceilYears(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance year with given precision.
* @method $this roundMonth(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance month with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundMonths(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance month with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorMonth(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance month with given precision.
* @method $this floorMonths(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance month with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMonth(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance month with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMonths(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance month with given precision.
* @method $this roundWeek(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundWeeks(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorWeek(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this floorWeeks(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this ceilWeek(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this ceilWeeks(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this roundDay(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundDays(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorDay(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this floorDays(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this ceilDay(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this ceilDays(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance day with given precision.
* @method $this roundHour(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance hour with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundHours(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance hour with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorHour(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance hour with given precision.
* @method $this floorHours(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance hour with given precision.
* @method $this ceilHour(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance hour with given precision.
* @method $this ceilHours(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance hour with given precision.
* @method $this roundMinute(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance minute with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundMinutes(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance minute with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorMinute(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance minute with given precision.
* @method $this floorMinutes(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance minute with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMinute(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance minute with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMinutes(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance minute with given precision.
* @method $this roundSecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance second with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundSeconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance second with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorSecond(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance second with given precision.
* @method $this floorSeconds(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance second with given precision.
* @method $this ceilSecond(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance second with given precision.
* @method $this ceilSeconds(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance second with given precision.
* @method $this roundMillennium(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millennium with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundMillennia(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millennium with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorMillennium(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millennium with given precision.
* @method $this floorMillennia(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millennium with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMillennium(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millennium with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMillennia(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millennium with given precision.
* @method $this roundCentury(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance century with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundCenturies(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance century with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorCentury(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance century with given precision.
* @method $this floorCenturies(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance century with given precision.
* @method $this ceilCentury(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance century with given precision.
* @method $this ceilCenturies(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance century with given precision.
* @method $this roundDecade(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance decade with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundDecades(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance decade with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorDecade(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance decade with given precision.
* @method $this floorDecades(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance decade with given precision.
* @method $this ceilDecade(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance decade with given precision.
* @method $this ceilDecades(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance decade with given precision.
* @method $this roundQuarter(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance quarter with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundQuarters(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance quarter with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorQuarter(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance quarter with given precision.
* @method $this floorQuarters(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance quarter with given precision.
* @method $this ceilQuarter(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance quarter with given precision.
* @method $this ceilQuarters(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance quarter with given precision.
* @method $this roundMillisecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millisecond with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundMilliseconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millisecond with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorMillisecond(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millisecond with given precision.
* @method $this floorMilliseconds(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millisecond with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMillisecond(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millisecond with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMilliseconds(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millisecond with given precision.
* @method $this roundMicrosecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance microsecond with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this roundMicroseconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance microsecond with given precision using the given function.
* @method $this floorMicrosecond(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance microsecond with given precision.
* @method $this floorMicroseconds(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance microsecond with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMicrosecond(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance microsecond with given precision.
* @method $this ceilMicroseconds(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance microsecond with given precision.
class CarbonPeriod implements Iterator, Countable, JsonSerializable
use IntervalRounding;
use Mixin {
Mixin::mixin as baseMixin;
use Options;
* Built-in filters.
* @var string
public const RECURRENCES_FILTER = [self::class, 'filterRecurrences'];
public const END_DATE_FILTER = [self::class, 'filterEndDate'];
* Special value which can be returned by filters to end iteration. Also a filter.
* @var string
public const END_ITERATION = [self::class, 'endIteration'];
* Exclude start date from iteration.
* @var int
public const EXCLUDE_START_DATE = 1;
* Exclude end date from iteration.
* @var int
public const EXCLUDE_END_DATE = 2;
* Yield CarbonImmutable instances.
* @var int
public const IMMUTABLE = 4;
* Number of maximum attempts before giving up on finding next valid date.
* @var int
public const NEXT_MAX_ATTEMPTS = 1000;
* Number of maximum attempts before giving up on finding end date.
* @var int
public const END_MAX_ATTEMPTS = 10000;
* The registered macros.
* @var array
protected static $macros = [];
* Date class of iteration items.
* @var string
protected $dateClass = Carbon::class;
* Underlying date interval instance. Always present, one day by default.
* @var CarbonInterval
protected $dateInterval;
* Whether current date interval was set by default.
* @var bool
protected $isDefaultInterval;
* The filters stack.
* @var array
protected $filters = [];
* Period start date. Applied on rewind. Always present, now by default.
* @var CarbonInterface
protected $startDate;
* Period end date. For inverted interval should be before the start date. Applied via a filter.
* @var CarbonInterface|null
protected $endDate;
* Limit for number of recurrences. Applied via a filter.
* @var int|null
protected $recurrences;
* Iteration options.
* @var int
protected $options;
* Index of current date. Always sequential, even if some dates are skipped by filters.
* Equal to null only before the first iteration.
* @var int
protected $key;
* Current date. May temporarily hold unaccepted value when looking for a next valid date.
* Equal to null only before the first iteration.
* @var CarbonInterface
protected $current;
* Timezone of current date. Taken from the start date.
* @var \DateTimeZone|null
protected $timezone;
* The cached validation result for current date.
* @var bool|string|null
protected $validationResult;
* Timezone handler for settings() method.
* @var mixed
protected $tzName;
* Make a CarbonPeriod instance from given variable if possible.
* @param mixed $var
* @return static|null
public static function make($var)
try {
return static::instance($var);
} catch (NotAPeriodException $e) {
return static::create($var);
* Create a new instance from a DatePeriod or CarbonPeriod object.
* @param CarbonPeriod|DatePeriod $period
* @return static
public static function instance($period)
if ($period instanceof static) {
return $period->copy();
if ($period instanceof self) {
return new static(
$period->getEndDate() ?: $period->getRecurrences(),
if ($period instanceof DatePeriod) {
return new static(
$period->end ?: ($period->recurrences - 1),
$period->include_start_date ? 0 : static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE
$class = \get_called_class();
$type = \gettype($period);
throw new NotAPeriodException(
'Argument 1 passed to '.$class.'::'.__METHOD__.'() '.
'must be an instance of DatePeriod or '.$class.', '.
($type === 'object' ? 'instance of '.\get_class($period) : $type).' given.'
* Create a new instance.
* @return static
public static function create(...$params)
return static::createFromArray($params);
* Create a new instance from an array of parameters.
* @param array $params
* @return static
public static function createFromArray(array $params)
return new static(...$params);
* Create CarbonPeriod from ISO 8601 string.
* @param string $iso
* @param int|null $options
* @return static
public static function createFromIso($iso, $options = null)
$params = static::parseIso8601($iso);
$instance = static::createFromArray($params);
if ($options !== null) {
return $instance;
* Return whether given interval contains non zero value of any time unit.
* @param \DateInterval $interval
* @return bool
protected static function intervalHasTime(DateInterval $interval)
return $interval->h || $interval->i || $interval->s || $interval->f;
* Return whether given variable is an ISO 8601 specification.
* Note: Check is very basic, as actual validation will be done later when parsing.
* We just want to ensure that variable is not any other type of a valid parameter.
* @param mixed $var
* @return bool
protected static function isIso8601($var)
if (!\is_string($var)) {
return false;
// Match slash but not within a timezone name.
$part = '[a-z]+(?:[_-][a-z]+)*';
preg_match("#\b$part/$part\b|(/)#i", $var, $match);
return isset($match[1]);
* Parse given ISO 8601 string into an array of arguments.
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ElseExpression)
* @param string $iso
* @return array
protected static function parseIso8601($iso)
$result = [];
$interval = null;
$start = null;
$end = null;
foreach (explode('/', $iso) as $key => $part) {
if ($key === 0 && preg_match('/^R([0-9]*)$/', $part, $match)) {
$parsed = \strlen($match[1]) ? (int) $match[1] : null;
} elseif ($interval === null && $parsed = CarbonInterval::make($part)) {
$interval = $part;
} elseif ($start === null && $parsed = Carbon::make($part)) {
$start = $part;
} elseif ($end === null && $parsed = Carbon::make(static::addMissingParts($start, $part))) {
$end = $part;
} else {
throw new InvalidPeriodParameterException("Invalid ISO 8601 specification: $iso.");
$result[] = $parsed;
return $result;
* Add missing parts of the target date from the soure date.
* @param string $source
* @param string $target
* @return string
protected static function addMissingParts($source, $target)
$pattern = '/'.preg_replace('/[0-9]+/', '[0-9]+', preg_quote($target, '/')).'$/';
$result = preg_replace($pattern, $target, $source, 1, $count);
return $count ? $result : $target;
* Register a custom macro.
* @example
* ```
* CarbonPeriod::macro('middle', function () {
* return $this->getStartDate()->average($this->getEndDate());
* });
* echo CarbonPeriod::since('2011-05-12')->until('2011-06-03')->middle();
* ```
* @param string $name
* @param object|callable $macro
* @return void
public static function macro($name, $macro)
static::$macros[$name] = $macro;
* Register macros from a mixin object.
* @example
* ```
* CarbonPeriod::mixin(new class {
* public function addDays() {
* return function ($count = 1) {
* return $this->setStartDate(
* $this->getStartDate()->addDays($count)
* )->setEndDate(
* $this->getEndDate()->addDays($count)
* );
* };
* }
* public function subDays() {
* return function ($count = 1) {
* return $this->setStartDate(
* $this->getStartDate()->subDays($count)
* )->setEndDate(
* $this->getEndDate()->subDays($count)
* );
* };
* }
* });
* echo CarbonPeriod::create('2000-01-01', '2000-02-01')->addDays(5)->subDays(3);
* ```
* @param object|string $mixin
* @throws ReflectionException
* @return void
public static function mixin($mixin)
* Check if macro is registered.
* @param string $name
* @return bool
public static function hasMacro($name)
return isset(static::$macros[$name]);
* Provide static proxy for instance aliases.
* @param string $method
* @param array $parameters
* @return mixed
public static function __callStatic($method, $parameters)
$date = new static();
if (static::hasMacro($method)) {
return static::bindMacroContext(null, function () use (&$method, &$parameters, &$date) {
return $date->callMacro($method, $parameters);
return $date->$method(...$parameters);
* CarbonPeriod constructor.
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ElseExpression)
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public function __construct(...$arguments)
// Parse and assign arguments one by one. First argument may be an ISO 8601 spec,
// which will be first parsed into parts and then processed the same way.
$argumentsCount = \count($arguments);
if ($argumentsCount && static::isIso8601($iso = $arguments[0])) {
array_splice($arguments, 0, 1, static::parseIso8601($iso));
if ($argumentsCount === 1) {
if ($arguments[0] instanceof DatePeriod) {
$arguments = [
$arguments[0]->end ?: ($arguments[0]->recurrences - 1),
$arguments[0]->include_start_date ? 0 : static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE,
} elseif ($arguments[0] instanceof self) {
$arguments = [
$arguments[0]->getEndDate() ?: $arguments[0]->getRecurrences(),
foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
if ($this->dateInterval === null &&
\is_string($argument) && preg_match(
) ||
$argument instanceof DateInterval ||
$argument instanceof Closure
) &&
$parsed = @CarbonInterval::make($argument)
) {
} elseif ($this->startDate === null && $parsed = Carbon::make($argument)) {
} elseif ($this->endDate === null && $parsed = Carbon::make($argument)) {
} elseif ($this->recurrences === null && $this->endDate === null && is_numeric($argument)) {
} elseif ($this->options === null && (\is_int($argument) || $argument === null)) {
} else {
throw new InvalidPeriodParameterException('Invalid constructor parameters.');
if ($this->startDate === null) {
if ($this->dateInterval === null) {
$this->isDefaultInterval = true;
if ($this->options === null) {
* Get a copy of the instance.
* @return static
public function copy()
return clone $this;
* Get the getter for a property allowing both `DatePeriod` snakeCase and camelCase names.
* @param string $name
* @return callable|null
protected function getGetter(string $name)
switch (strtolower(preg_replace('/[A-Z]/', '_$0', $name))) {
case 'start':
case 'start_date':
return [$this, 'getStartDate'];
case 'end':
case 'end_date':
return [$this, 'getEndDate'];
case 'interval':
case 'date_interval':
return [$this, 'getDateInterval'];
case 'recurrences':
return [$this, 'getRecurrences'];
case 'include_start_date':
return [$this, 'isStartIncluded'];
case 'include_end_date':
return [$this, 'isEndIncluded'];
case 'current':
return [$this, 'current'];
return null;
* Get a property allowing both `DatePeriod` snakeCase and camelCase names.
* @param string $name
* @return bool|CarbonInterface|CarbonInterval|int|null
public function get(string $name)
$getter = $this->getGetter($name);
if ($getter) {
return $getter();
throw new UnknownGetterException($name);
* Get a property allowing both `DatePeriod` snakeCase and camelCase names.
* @param string $name
* @return bool|CarbonInterface|CarbonInterval|int|null
public function __get(string $name)
return $this->get($name);
* Check if an attribute exists on the object
* @param string $name
* @return bool
public function __isset(string $name): bool
return $this->getGetter($name) !== null;
* @alias copy
* Get a copy of the instance.
* @return static
public function clone()
return clone $this;
* Set the iteration item class.
* @param string $dateClass
* @return $this
public function setDateClass(string $dateClass)
if (!is_a($dateClass, CarbonInterface::class, true)) {
throw new NotACarbonClassException($dateClass);
$this->dateClass = $dateClass;
if (is_a($dateClass, Carbon::class, true)) {
$this->toggleOptions(static::IMMUTABLE, false);
} elseif (is_a($dateClass, CarbonImmutable::class, true)) {
$this->toggleOptions(static::IMMUTABLE, true);
return $this;
* Returns iteration item date class.
* @return string
public function getDateClass(): string
return $this->dateClass;
* Change the period date interval.
* @param DateInterval|string $interval
* @throws InvalidIntervalException
* @return $this
public function setDateInterval($interval)
if (!$interval = CarbonInterval::make($interval)) {
throw new InvalidIntervalException('Invalid interval.');
if ($interval->spec() === 'PT0S' && !$interval->f && !$interval->getStep()) {
throw new InvalidIntervalException('Empty interval is not accepted.');
$this->dateInterval = $interval;
$this->isDefaultInterval = false;
return $this;
* Invert the period date interval.
* @return $this
public function invertDateInterval()
$interval = $this->dateInterval->invert();
return $this->setDateInterval($interval);
* Set start and end date.
* @param DateTime|DateTimeInterface|string $start
* @param DateTime|DateTimeInterface|string|null $end
* @return $this
public function setDates($start, $end)
return $this;
* Change the period options.
* @param int|null $options
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return $this
public function setOptions($options)
if (!\is_int($options) && !\is_null($options)) {
throw new InvalidPeriodParameterException('Invalid options.');
$this->options = $options ?: 0;
return $this;
* Get the period options.
* @return int
public function getOptions()
return $this->options;
* Toggle given options on or off.
* @param int $options
* @param bool|null $state
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return $this
public function toggleOptions($options, $state = null)
if ($state === null) {
$state = ($this->options & $options) !== $options;
return $this->setOptions(
$state ?
$this->options | $options :
$this->options & ~$options
* Toggle EXCLUDE_START_DATE option.
* @param bool $state
* @return $this
public function excludeStartDate($state = true)
return $this->toggleOptions(static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE, $state);
* Toggle EXCLUDE_END_DATE option.
* @param bool $state
* @return $this
public function excludeEndDate($state = true)
return $this->toggleOptions(static::EXCLUDE_END_DATE, $state);
* Get the underlying date interval.
* @return CarbonInterval
public function getDateInterval()
return $this->dateInterval->copy();
* Get start date of the period.
* @param string|null $rounding Optional rounding 'floor', 'ceil', 'round' using the period interval.
* @return CarbonInterface
public function getStartDate(string $rounding = null)
$date = $this->startDate->copy();
return $rounding ? $date->round($this->getDateInterval(), $rounding) : $date;
* Get end date of the period.
* @param string|null $rounding Optional rounding 'floor', 'ceil', 'round' using the period interval.
* @return CarbonInterface|null
public function getEndDate(string $rounding = null)
if (!$this->endDate) {
return null;
$date = $this->endDate->copy();
return $rounding ? $date->round($this->getDateInterval(), $rounding) : $date;
* Get number of recurrences.
* @return int|float|null
public function getRecurrences()
return $this->recurrences;
* Returns true if the start date should be excluded.
* @return bool
public function isStartExcluded()
return ($this->options & static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE) !== 0;
* Returns true if the end date should be excluded.
* @return bool
public function isEndExcluded()
return ($this->options & static::EXCLUDE_END_DATE) !== 0;
* Returns true if the start date should be included.
* @return bool
public function isStartIncluded()
return !$this->isStartExcluded();
* Returns true if the end date should be included.
* @return bool
public function isEndIncluded()
return !$this->isEndExcluded();
* Return the start if it's included by option, else return the start + 1 period interval.
* @return CarbonInterface
public function getIncludedStartDate()
$start = $this->getStartDate();
if ($this->isStartExcluded()) {
return $start->add($this->getDateInterval());
return $start;
* Return the end if it's included by option, else return the end - 1 period interval.
* Warning: if the period has no fixed end, this method will iterate the period to calculate it.
* @return CarbonInterface
public function getIncludedEndDate()
$end = $this->getEndDate();
if (!$end) {
return $this->calculateEnd();
if ($this->isEndExcluded()) {
return $end->sub($this->getDateInterval());
return $end;
* Add a filter to the stack.
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
* @param callable $callback
* @param string $name
* @return $this
public function addFilter($callback, $name = null)
$tuple = $this->createFilterTuple(\func_get_args());
$this->filters[] = $tuple;
return $this;
* Prepend a filter to the stack.
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
* @param callable $callback
* @param string $name
* @return $this
public function prependFilter($callback, $name = null)
$tuple = $this->createFilterTuple(\func_get_args());
array_unshift($this->filters, $tuple);
return $this;
* Remove a filter by instance or name.
* @param callable|string $filter
* @return $this
public function removeFilter($filter)
$key = \is_callable($filter) ? 0 : 1;
$this->filters = array_values(array_filter(
function ($tuple) use ($key, $filter) {
return $tuple[$key] !== $filter;
return $this;
* Return whether given instance or name is in the filter stack.
* @param callable|string $filter
* @return bool
public function hasFilter($filter)
$key = \is_callable($filter) ? 0 : 1;
foreach ($this->filters as $tuple) {
if ($tuple[$key] === $filter) {
return true;
return false;
* Get filters stack.
* @return array
public function getFilters()
return $this->filters;
* Set filters stack.
* @param array $filters
* @return $this
public function setFilters(array $filters)
$this->filters = $filters;
return $this;
* Reset filters stack.
* @return $this
public function resetFilters()
$this->filters = [];
if ($this->endDate !== null) {
$this->filters[] = [static::END_DATE_FILTER, null];
if ($this->recurrences !== null) {
$this->filters[] = [static::RECURRENCES_FILTER, null];
return $this;
* Add a recurrences filter (set maximum number of recurrences).
* @param int|float|null $recurrences
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return $this
public function setRecurrences($recurrences)
if (!is_numeric($recurrences) && !\is_null($recurrences) || $recurrences < 0) {
throw new InvalidPeriodParameterException('Invalid number of recurrences.');
if ($recurrences === null) {
return $this->removeFilter(static::RECURRENCES_FILTER);
$this->recurrences = $recurrences === INF ? INF : (int) $recurrences;
if (!$this->hasFilter(static::RECURRENCES_FILTER)) {
return $this->addFilter(static::RECURRENCES_FILTER);
return $this;
* Change the period start date.
* @param DateTime|DateTimeInterface|string $date
* @param bool|null $inclusive
* @throws InvalidPeriodDateException
* @return $this
public function setStartDate($date, $inclusive = null)
if (!$date = ([$this->dateClass, 'make'])($date)) {
throw new InvalidPeriodDateException('Invalid start date.');
$this->startDate = $date;
if ($inclusive !== null) {
$this->toggleOptions(static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE, !$inclusive);
return $this;
* Change the period end date.
* @param DateTime|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
* @param bool|null $inclusive
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return $this
public function setEndDate($date, $inclusive = null)
if (!\is_null($date) && !$date = ([$this->dateClass, 'make'])($date)) {
throw new InvalidPeriodDateException('Invalid end date.');
if (!$date) {
return $this->removeFilter(static::END_DATE_FILTER);
$this->endDate = $date;
if ($inclusive !== null) {
$this->toggleOptions(static::EXCLUDE_END_DATE, !$inclusive);
if (!$this->hasFilter(static::END_DATE_FILTER)) {
return $this->addFilter(static::END_DATE_FILTER);
return $this;
* Check if the current position is valid.
* @return bool
public function valid()
return $this->validateCurrentDate() === true;
* Return the current key.
* @return int|null
public function key()
return $this->valid()
? $this->key
: null;
* Return the current date.
* @return CarbonInterface|null
public function current()
return $this->valid()
? $this->prepareForReturn($this->current)
: null;
* Move forward to the next date.
* @throws RuntimeException
* @return void
public function next()
if ($this->current === null) {
if ($this->validationResult !== static::END_ITERATION) {
* Rewind to the start date.
* Iterating over a date in the UTC timezone avoids bug during backward DST change.
* @see
* @see
* @see
* @throws RuntimeException
* @return void
public function rewind()
$this->key = 0;
$this->current = ([$this->dateClass, 'make'])($this->startDate);
$settings = $this->getSettings();
if ($this->hasLocalTranslator()) {
$settings['locale'] = $this->getTranslatorLocale();
$this->timezone = static::intervalHasTime($this->dateInterval) ? $this->current->getTimezone() : null;
if ($this->timezone) {
$this->current = $this->current->utc();
$this->validationResult = null;
if ($this->isStartExcluded() || $this->validateCurrentDate() === false) {
* Skip iterations and returns iteration state (false if ended, true if still valid).
* @param int $count steps number to skip (1 by default)
* @return bool
public function skip($count = 1)
for ($i = $count; $this->valid() && $i > 0; $i--) {
return $this->valid();
* Format the date period as ISO 8601.
* @return string
public function toIso8601String()
$parts = [];
if ($this->recurrences !== null) {
$parts[] = 'R'.$this->recurrences;
$parts[] = $this->startDate->toIso8601String();
$parts[] = $this->dateInterval->spec();
if ($this->endDate !== null) {
$parts[] = $this->endDate->toIso8601String();
return implode('/', $parts);
* Convert the date period into a string.
* @return string
public function toString()
$translator = ([$this->dateClass, 'getTranslator'])();
$parts = [];
$format = !$this->startDate->isStartOfDay() || $this->endDate && !$this->endDate->isStartOfDay()
? 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
: 'Y-m-d';
if ($this->recurrences !== null) {
$parts[] = $this->translate('period_recurrences', [], $this->recurrences, $translator);
$parts[] = $this->translate('period_interval', [':interval' => $this->dateInterval->forHumans([
'join' => true,
])], null, $translator);
$parts[] = $this->translate('period_start_date', [':date' => $this->startDate->rawFormat($format)], null, $translator);
if ($this->endDate !== null) {
$parts[] = $this->translate('period_end_date', [':date' => $this->endDate->rawFormat($format)], null, $translator);
$result = implode(' ', $parts);
return mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($result, 0, 1)).mb_substr($result, 1);
* Format the date period as ISO 8601.
* @return string
public function spec()
return $this->toIso8601String();
* Cast the current instance into the given class.
* @param string $className The $className::instance() method will be called to cast the current object.
* @return DatePeriod
public function cast(string $className)
if (!method_exists($className, 'instance')) {
if (is_a($className, DatePeriod::class, true)) {
return new $className(
$this->getEndDate() ? $this->getIncludedEndDate() : $this->getRecurrences(),
$this->isStartExcluded() ? DatePeriod::EXCLUDE_START_DATE : 0
throw new InvalidCastException("$className has not the instance() method needed to cast the date.");
return $className::instance($this);
* Return native DatePeriod PHP object matching the current instance.
* @example
* ```
* var_dump(CarbonPeriod::create('2021-01-05', '2021-02-15')->toDatePeriod());
* ```
* @return DatePeriod
public function toDatePeriod()
return $this->cast(DatePeriod::class);
* Convert the date period into an array without changing current iteration state.
* @return CarbonInterface[]
public function toArray()
$state = [
$this->current ? $this->current->copy() : null,
$result = iterator_to_array($this);
[$this->key, $this->current, $this->validationResult] = $state;
return $result;
* Count dates in the date period.
* @return int
public function count()
return \count($this->toArray());
* Return the first date in the date period.
* @return CarbonInterface|null
public function first()
return ($this->toArray() ?: [])[0] ?? null;
* Return the last date in the date period.
* @return CarbonInterface|null
public function last()
$array = $this->toArray();
return $array ? $array[\count($array) - 1] : null;
* Convert the date period into a string.
* @return string
public function __toString()
return $this->toString();
* Add aliases for setters.
* CarbonPeriod::days(3)->hours(5)->invert()
* ->sinceNow()->until('2010-01-10')
* ->filter(...)
* ->count()
* Note: We use magic method to let static and instance aliases with the same names.
* @param string $method
* @param array $parameters
* @return mixed
public function __call($method, $parameters)
if (static::hasMacro($method)) {
return static::bindMacroContext($this, function () use (&$method, &$parameters) {
return $this->callMacro($method, $parameters);
$roundedValue = $this->callRoundMethod($method, $parameters);
if ($roundedValue !== null) {
return $roundedValue;
$first = \count($parameters) >= 1 ? $parameters[0] : null;
$second = \count($parameters) >= 2 ? $parameters[1] : null;
switch ($method) {
case 'start':
case 'since':
return $this->setStartDate($first, $second);
case 'sinceNow':
return $this->setStartDate(new Carbon, $first);
case 'end':
case 'until':
return $this->setEndDate($first, $second);
case 'untilNow':
return $this->setEndDate(new Carbon, $first);
case 'dates':
case 'between':
return $this->setDates($first, $second);
case 'recurrences':
case 'times':
return $this->setRecurrences($first);
case 'options':
return $this->setOptions($first);
case 'toggle':
return $this->toggleOptions($first, $second);
case 'filter':
case 'push':
return $this->addFilter($first, $second);
case 'prepend':
return $this->prependFilter($first, $second);
case 'filters':
return $this->setFilters($first ?: []);
case 'interval':
case 'each':
case 'every':
case 'step':
case 'stepBy':
return $this->setDateInterval($first);
case 'invert':
return $this->invertDateInterval();
case 'years':
case 'year':
case 'months':
case 'month':
case 'weeks':
case 'week':
case 'days':
case 'dayz':
case 'day':
case 'hours':
case 'hour':
case 'minutes':
case 'minute':
case 'seconds':
case 'second':
return $this->setDateInterval((
// Override default P1D when instantiating via fluent setters.
[$this->isDefaultInterval ? new CarbonInterval('PT0S') : $this->dateInterval, $method]
\count($parameters) === 0 ? 1 : $first
if ($this->localStrictModeEnabled ?? Carbon::isStrictModeEnabled()) {
throw new UnknownMethodException($method);
return $this;
* Set the instance's timezone from a string or object and add/subtract the offset difference.
* @param \DateTimeZone|string $timezone
* @return static
public function shiftTimezone($timezone)
$this->tzName = $timezone;
$this->timezone = $timezone;
return $this;
* Returns the end is set, else calculated from start an recurrences.
* @param string|null $rounding Optional rounding 'floor', 'ceil', 'round' using the period interval.
* @return CarbonInterface
public function calculateEnd(string $rounding = null)
if ($end = $this->getEndDate($rounding)) {
return $end;
if ($this->dateInterval->isEmpty()) {
return $this->getStartDate($rounding);
$date = $this->getEndFromRecurrences() ?? $this->iterateUntilEnd();
if ($date && $rounding) {
$date = $date->copy()->round($this->getDateInterval(), $rounding);
return $date;
* @return CarbonInterface|null
private function getEndFromRecurrences()
if ($this->recurrences === null) {
throw new UnreachableException(
"Could not calculate period end without either explicit end or recurrences.\n".
"If you're looking for a forever-period, use ->setRecurrences(INF)."
if ($this->recurrences === INF) {
$start = $this->getStartDate();
return $start < $start->copy()->add($this->getDateInterval())
? CarbonImmutable::endOfTime()
: CarbonImmutable::startOfTime();
if ($this->filters === [[static::RECURRENCES_FILTER, null]]) {
return $this->getStartDate()->copy()->add(
$this->recurrences - ($this->isStartExcluded() ? 0 : 1)
return null;
* @return CarbonInterface|null
private function iterateUntilEnd()
$attempts = 0;
$date = null;
foreach ($this as $date) {
if (++$attempts > static::END_MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
throw new UnreachableException(
'Could not calculate period end after iterating '.static::END_MAX_ATTEMPTS.' times.'
return $date;
* Returns true if the current period overlaps the given one (if 1 parameter passed)
* or the period between 2 dates (if 2 parameters passed).
* @param CarbonPeriod|\DateTimeInterface|Carbon|CarbonImmutable|string $rangeOrRangeStart
* @param \DateTimeInterface|Carbon|CarbonImmutable|string|null $rangeEnd
* @return bool
public function overlaps($rangeOrRangeStart, $rangeEnd = null)
$range = $rangeEnd ? static::create($rangeOrRangeStart, $rangeEnd) : $rangeOrRangeStart;
if (!($range instanceof self)) {
$range = static::create($range);
$thisDates = [$this->getStartDate(), $this->calculateEnd()];
[$start, $end] = $thisDates;
$rangeDates = [$range->getStartDate(), $range->calculateEnd()];
[$rangeStart, $rangeEnd] = $rangeDates;
return $end > $rangeStart && $rangeEnd > $start;
* Execute a given function on each date of the period.
* @example
* ```
* Carbon::create('2020-11-29')->daysUntil('2020-12-24')->forEach(function (Carbon $date) {
* echo $date->diffInDays('2020-12-25')." days before Christmas!\n";
* });
* ```
* @param callable $callback
public function forEach(callable $callback)
foreach ($this as $date) {
* Execute a given function on each date of the period and yield the result of this function.
* @example
* ```
* $period = Carbon::create('2020-11-29')->daysUntil('2020-12-24');
* echo implode("\n", iterator_to_array($period->map(function (Carbon $date) {
* return $date->diffInDays('2020-12-25').' days before Christmas!';
* })));
* ```
* @param callable $callback
* @return \Generator
public function map(callable $callback)
foreach ($this as $date) {
yield $callback($date);
* Determines if the instance is equal to another.
* Warning: if options differ, instances wil never be equal.
* @param mixed $period
* @see equalTo()
* @return bool
public function eq($period): bool
return $this->equalTo($period);
* Determines if the instance is equal to another.
* Warning: if options differ, instances wil never be equal.
* @param mixed $period
* @return bool
public function equalTo($period): bool
if (!($period instanceof self)) {
$period = self::make($period);
$end = $this->getEndDate();
return $period !== null
&& $this->getDateInterval()->eq($period->getDateInterval())
&& $this->getStartDate()->eq($period->getStartDate())
&& ($end ? $end->eq($period->getEndDate()) : $this->getRecurrences() === $period->getRecurrences())
&& ($this->getOptions() & (~static::IMMUTABLE)) === ($period->getOptions() & (~static::IMMUTABLE));
* Determines if the instance is not equal to another.
* Warning: if options differ, instances wil never be equal.
* @param mixed $period
* @see notEqualTo()
* @return bool
public function ne($period): bool
return $this->notEqualTo($period);
* Determines if the instance is not equal to another.
* Warning: if options differ, instances wil never be equal.
* @param mixed $period
* @return bool
public function notEqualTo($period): bool
return !$this->eq($period);
* Determines if the start date is before an other given date.
* (Rather start/end are included by options is ignored.)
* @param mixed $date
* @return bool
public function startsBefore($date = null): bool
return $this->getStartDate()->lessThan($this->resolveCarbon($date));
* Determines if the start date is before or the same as a given date.
* (Rather start/end are included by options is ignored.)
* @param mixed $date
* @return bool
public function startsBeforeOrAt($date = null): bool
return $this->getStartDate()->lessThanOrEqualTo($this->resolveCarbon($date));
* Determines if the start date is after an other given date.
* (Rather start/end are included by options is ignored.)
* @param mixed $date
* @return bool
public function startsAfter($date = null): bool
return $this->getStartDate()->greaterThan($this->resolveCarbon($date));
* Determines if the start date is after or the same as a given date.
* (Rather start/end are included by options is ignored.)
* @param mixed $date
* @return bool
public function startsAfterOrAt($date = null): bool
return $this->getStartDate()->greaterThanOrEqualTo($this->resolveCarbon($date));
* Determines if the start date is the same as a given date.
* (Rather start/end are included by options is ignored.)
* @param mixed $date
* @return bool
public function startsAt($date = null): bool
return $this->getStartDate()->equalTo($this->resolveCarbon($date));
* Determines if the end date is before an other given date.
* (Rather start/end are included by options is ignored.)
* @param mixed $date
* @return bool
public function endsBefore($date = null): bool
return $this->calculateEnd()->lessThan($this->resolveCarbon($date));
* Determines if the end date is before or the same as a given date.
* (Rather start/end are included by options is ignored.)
* @param mixed $date
* @return bool
public function endsBeforeOrAt($date = null): bool
return $this->calculateEnd()->lessThanOrEqualTo($this->resolveCarbon($date));
* Determines if the end date is after an other given date.
* (Rather start/end are included by options is ignored.)
* @param mixed $date
* @return bool
public function endsAfter($date = null): bool
return $this->calculateEnd()->greaterThan($this->resolveCarbon($date));
* Determines if the end date is after or the same as a given date.
* (Rather start/end are included by options is ignored.)
* @param mixed $date
* @return bool
public function endsAfterOrAt($date = null): bool
return $this->calculateEnd()->greaterThanOrEqualTo($this->resolveCarbon($date));
* Determines if the end date is the same as a given date.
* (Rather start/end are included by options is ignored.)
* @param mixed $date
* @return bool
public function endsAt($date = null): bool
return $this->calculateEnd()->equalTo($this->resolveCarbon($date));
* Return true if start date is now or later.
* (Rather start/end are included by options is ignored.)
* @return bool
public function isStarted(): bool
return $this->startsBeforeOrAt();
* Return true if end date is now or later.
* (Rather start/end are included by options is ignored.)
* @return bool
public function isEnded(): bool
return $this->endsBeforeOrAt();
* Return true if now is between start date (included) and end date (excluded).
* (Rather start/end are included by options is ignored.)
* @return bool
public function isInProgress(): bool
return $this->isStarted() && !$this->isEnded();
* Round the current instance at the given unit with given precision if specified and the given function.
* @param string $unit
* @param float|int|string|\DateInterval|null $precision
* @param string $function
* @return $this
public function roundUnit($unit, $precision = 1, $function = 'round')
$this->setStartDate($this->getStartDate()->roundUnit($unit, $precision, $function));
if ($this->endDate) {
$this->setEndDate($this->getEndDate()->roundUnit($unit, $precision, $function));
$this->setDateInterval($this->getDateInterval()->roundUnit($unit, $precision, $function));
return $this;
* Truncate the current instance at the given unit with given precision if specified.
* @param string $unit
* @param float|int|string|\DateInterval|null $precision
* @return $this
public function floorUnit($unit, $precision = 1)
return $this->roundUnit($unit, $precision, 'floor');
* Ceil the current instance at the given unit with given precision if specified.
* @param string $unit
* @param float|int|string|\DateInterval|null $precision
* @return $this
public function ceilUnit($unit, $precision = 1)
return $this->roundUnit($unit, $precision, 'ceil');
* Round the current instance second with given precision if specified (else period interval is used).
* @param float|int|string|\DateInterval|null $precision
* @param string $function
* @return $this
public function round($precision = null, $function = 'round')
return $this->roundWith($precision ?? (string) $this->getDateInterval(), $function);
* Round the current instance second with given precision if specified (else period interval is used).
* @param float|int|string|\DateInterval|null $precision
* @return $this
public function floor($precision = null)
return $this->round($precision, 'floor');
* Ceil the current instance second with given precision if specified (else period interval is used).
* @param float|int|string|\DateInterval|null $precision
* @return $this
public function ceil($precision = null)
return $this->round($precision, 'ceil');
* Specify data which should be serialized to JSON.
* @link
* @return CarbonInterface[]
public function jsonSerialize()
return $this->toArray();
* Return true if the given date is between start and end.
* @param \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonPeriod|\Carbon\CarbonInterval|\DateInterval|\DatePeriod|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
* @return bool
public function contains($date = null): bool
$startMethod = 'startsBefore'.($this->isStartIncluded() ? 'OrAt' : '');
$endMethod = 'endsAfter'.($this->isEndIncluded() ? 'OrAt' : '');
return $this->$startMethod($date) && $this->$endMethod($date);
* Return true if the current period follows a given other period (with no overlap).
* For instance, [2019-08-01 -> 2019-08-12] follows [2019-07-29 -> 2019-07-31]
* Note than in this example, follows() would be false if 2019-08-01 or 2019-07-31 was excluded by options.
* @param \Carbon\CarbonPeriod|\DatePeriod|string $period
* @return bool
public function follows($period, ...$arguments): bool
$period = $this->resolveCarbonPeriod($period, ...$arguments);
return $this->getIncludedStartDate()->equalTo($period->getIncludedEndDate()->add($period->getDateInterval()));
* Return true if the given other period follows the current one (with no overlap).
* For instance, [2019-07-29 -> 2019-07-31] is followed by [2019-08-01 -> 2019-08-12]
* Note than in this example, isFollowedBy() would be false if 2019-08-01 or 2019-07-31 was excluded by options.
* @param \Carbon\CarbonPeriod|\DatePeriod|string $period
* @return bool
public function isFollowedBy($period, ...$arguments): bool
$period = $this->resolveCarbonPeriod($period, ...$arguments);
return $period->follows($this);
* Return true if the given period either follows or is followed by the current one.
* @see follows()
* @see isFollowedBy()
* @param \Carbon\CarbonPeriod|\DatePeriod|string $period
* @return bool
public function isConsecutiveWith($period, ...$arguments): bool
return $this->follows($period, ...$arguments) || $this->isFollowedBy($period, ...$arguments);
* Update properties after removing built-in filters.
* @return void
protected function updateInternalState()
if (!$this->hasFilter(static::END_DATE_FILTER)) {
$this->endDate = null;
if (!$this->hasFilter(static::RECURRENCES_FILTER)) {
$this->recurrences = null;
* Create a filter tuple from raw parameters.
* Will create an automatic filter callback for one of Carbon's is* methods.
* @param array $parameters
* @return array
protected function createFilterTuple(array $parameters)
$method = array_shift($parameters);
if (!$this->isCarbonPredicateMethod($method)) {
return [$method, array_shift($parameters)];
return [function ($date) use ($method, $parameters) {
return ([$date, $method])(...$parameters);
}, $method];
* Return whether given callable is a string pointing to one of Carbon's is* methods
* and should be automatically converted to a filter callback.
* @param callable $callable
* @return bool
protected function isCarbonPredicateMethod($callable)
return \is_string($callable) && substr($callable, 0, 2) === 'is' &&
(method_exists($this->dateClass, $callable) || ([$this->dateClass, 'hasMacro'])($callable));
* Recurrences filter callback (limits number of recurrences).
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
* @param \Carbon\Carbon $current
* @param int $key
* @return bool|string
protected function filterRecurrences($current, $key)
if ($key < $this->recurrences) {
return true;
return static::END_ITERATION;
* End date filter callback.
* @param \Carbon\Carbon $current
* @return bool|string
protected function filterEndDate($current)
if (!$this->isEndExcluded() && $current == $this->endDate) {
return true;
if ($this->dateInterval->invert ? $current > $this->endDate : $current < $this->endDate) {
return true;
return static::END_ITERATION;
* End iteration filter callback.
* @return string
protected function endIteration()
return static::END_ITERATION;
* Handle change of the parameters.
protected function handleChangedParameters()
if (($this->getOptions() & static::IMMUTABLE) && $this->dateClass === Carbon::class) {
} elseif (!($this->getOptions() & static::IMMUTABLE) && $this->dateClass === CarbonImmutable::class) {
$this->validationResult = null;
* Validate current date and stop iteration when necessary.
* Returns true when current date is valid, false if it is not, or static::END_ITERATION
* when iteration should be stopped.
* @return bool|string
protected function validateCurrentDate()
if ($this->current === null) {
// Check after the first rewind to avoid repeating the initial validation.
if ($this->validationResult !== null) {
return $this->validationResult;
return $this->validationResult = $this->checkFilters();
* Check whether current value and key pass all the filters.
* @return bool|string
protected function checkFilters()
$current = $this->prepareForReturn($this->current);
foreach ($this->filters as $tuple) {
$result = \call_user_func(
if ($result === static::END_ITERATION) {
return static::END_ITERATION;
if (!$result) {
return false;
return true;
* Prepare given date to be returned to the external logic.
* @param CarbonInterface $date
* @return CarbonInterface
protected function prepareForReturn(CarbonInterface $date)
$date = ([$this->dateClass, 'make'])($date);
if ($this->timezone) {
$date = $date->setTimezone($this->timezone);
return $date;
* Keep incrementing the current date until a valid date is found or the iteration is ended.
* @throws RuntimeException
* @return void
protected function incrementCurrentDateUntilValid()
$attempts = 0;
do {
$this->current = $this->current->add($this->dateInterval);
$this->validationResult = null;
if (++$attempts > static::NEXT_MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
throw new UnreachableException('Could not find next valid date.');
} while ($this->validateCurrentDate() === false);
* Call given macro.
* @param string $name
* @param array $parameters
* @return mixed
protected function callMacro($name, $parameters)
$macro = static::$macros[$name];
if ($macro instanceof Closure) {
$boundMacro = @$macro->bindTo($this, static::class) ?: @$macro->bindTo(null, static::class);
return ($boundMacro ?: $macro)(...$parameters);
return $macro(...$parameters);
* Return the Carbon instance passed through, a now instance in the same timezone
* if null given or parse the input if string given.
* @param \Carbon\Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonPeriod|\Carbon\CarbonInterval|\DateInterval|\DatePeriod|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
* @return \Carbon\CarbonInterface
protected function resolveCarbon($date = null)
return $this->getStartDate()->nowWithSameTz()->carbonize($date);
* Resolve passed arguments or DatePeriod to a CarbonPeriod object.
* @param mixed $period
* @param mixed ...$arguments
* @return static
protected function resolveCarbonPeriod($period, ...$arguments)
if ($period instanceof self) {
return $period;
return $period instanceof DatePeriod
? static::instance($period)
: static::create($period, ...$arguments);
* This file is part of the Carbon package.
* (c) Brian Nesbitt <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Carbon;
use Carbon\Exceptions\InvalidCastException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\InvalidTimeZoneException;
use DateTimeInterface;
use DateTimeZone;
class CarbonTimeZone extends DateTimeZone
public function __construct($timezone = null)
protected static function parseNumericTimezone($timezone)
if ($timezone <= -100 || $timezone >= 100) {
throw new InvalidTimeZoneException('Absolute timezone offset cannot be greater than 100.');
return ($timezone >= 0 ? '+' : '').$timezone.':00';
protected static function getDateTimeZoneNameFromMixed($timezone)
if (\is_null($timezone)) {
return date_default_timezone_get();
if (\is_string($timezone)) {
$timezone = preg_replace('/^\s*([+-]\d+)(\d{2})\s*$/', '$1:$2', $timezone);
if (is_numeric($timezone)) {
return static::parseNumericTimezone($timezone);
return $timezone;
protected static function getDateTimeZoneFromName(&$name)
return @timezone_open($name = (string) static::getDateTimeZoneNameFromMixed($name));
* Cast the current instance into the given class.
* @param string $className The $className::instance() method will be called to cast the current object.
* @return DateTimeZone
public function cast(string $className)
if (!method_exists($className, 'instance')) {
if (is_a($className, DateTimeZone::class, true)) {
return new $className($this->getName());
throw new InvalidCastException("$className has not the instance() method needed to cast the date.");
return $className::instance($this);
* Create a CarbonTimeZone from mixed input.
* @param DateTimeZone|string|int|null $object original value to get CarbonTimeZone from it.
* @param DateTimeZone|string|int|null $objectDump dump of the object for error messages.
* @throws InvalidTimeZoneException
* @return false|static
public static function instance($object = null, $objectDump = null)
$tz = $object;
if ($tz instanceof static) {
return $tz;
if ($tz === null) {
return new static();
if (!$tz instanceof DateTimeZone) {
$tz = static::getDateTimeZoneFromName($object);
if ($tz === false) {
if (Carbon::isStrictModeEnabled()) {
throw new InvalidTimeZoneException('Unknown or bad timezone ('.($objectDump ?: $object).')');
return false;
return new static($tz->getName());
* Returns abbreviated name of the current timezone according to DST setting.
* @param bool $dst
* @return string
public function getAbbreviatedName($dst = false)
$name = $this->getName();
foreach ($this->listAbbreviations() as $abbreviation => $zones) {
foreach ($zones as $zone) {
if ($zone['timezone_id'] === $name && $zone['dst'] == $dst) {
return $abbreviation;
return 'unknown';
* @alias getAbbreviatedName
* Returns abbreviated name of the current timezone according to DST setting.
* @param bool $dst
* @return string
public function getAbbr($dst = false)
return $this->getAbbreviatedName($dst);
* Get the offset as string "sHH:MM" (such as "+00:00" or "-12:30").
* @param DateTimeInterface|null $date
* @return string
public function toOffsetName(DateTimeInterface $date = null)
return static::getOffsetNameFromMinuteOffset(
$this->getOffset($date ?: Carbon::now($this)) / 60
* Returns a new CarbonTimeZone object using the offset string instead of region string.
* @param DateTimeInterface|null $date
* @return CarbonTimeZone
public function toOffsetTimeZone(DateTimeInterface $date = null)
return new static($this->toOffsetName($date));
* Returns the first region string (such as "America/Toronto") that matches the current timezone or
* false if no match is found.
* @see timezone_name_from_abbr native PHP function.
* @param DateTimeInterface|null $date
* @param int $isDst
* @return string|false
public function toRegionName(DateTimeInterface $date = null, $isDst = 1)
$name = $this->getName();
$firstChar = substr($name, 0, 1);
if ($firstChar !== '+' && $firstChar !== '-') {
return $name;
$date = $date ?: Carbon::now($this);
// Integer construction no longer supported since PHP 8
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
try {
$offset = @$this->getOffset($date) ?: 0;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$offset = 0;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$name = @timezone_name_from_abbr('', $offset, $isDst);
if ($name) {
return $name;
foreach (timezone_identifiers_list() as $timezone) {
if (Carbon::instance($date)->tz($timezone)->getOffset() === $offset) {
return $timezone;
return false;
* Returns a new CarbonTimeZone object using the region string instead of offset string.
* @param DateTimeInterface|null $date
* @return CarbonTimeZone|false
public function toRegionTimeZone(DateTimeInterface $date = null)
$tz = $this->toRegionName($date);
if ($tz === false) {
if (Carbon::isStrictModeEnabled()) {
throw new InvalidTimeZoneException('Unknown timezone for offset '.$this->getOffset($date ?: Carbon::now($this)).' seconds.');
return false;
return new static($tz);
* Cast to string (get timezone name).
* @return string
public function __toString()
return $this->getName();
* Create a CarbonTimeZone from mixed input.
* @param DateTimeZone|string|int|null $object
* @return false|static
public static function create($object = null)
return static::instance($object);
* Create a CarbonTimeZone from int/float hour offset.
* @param float $hourOffset number of hour of the timezone shift (can be decimal).
* @return false|static
public static function createFromHourOffset(float $hourOffset)
return static::createFromMinuteOffset($hourOffset * Carbon::MINUTES_PER_HOUR);
* Create a CarbonTimeZone from int/float minute offset.
* @param float $minuteOffset number of total minutes of the timezone shift.
* @return false|static
public static function createFromMinuteOffset(float $minuteOffset)
return static::instance(static::getOffsetNameFromMinuteOffset($minuteOffset));
* Convert a total minutes offset into a standardized timezone offset string.
* @param float $minutes number of total minutes of the timezone shift.
* @return string
public static function getOffsetNameFromMinuteOffset(float $minutes): string
$minutes = round($minutes);
$unsignedMinutes = abs($minutes);
return ($minutes < 0 ? '-' : '+').
str_pad((string) floor($unsignedMinutes / 60), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
str_pad((string) ($unsignedMinutes % 60), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
namespace Carbon\Cli;
class Invoker
public const CLI_CLASS_NAME = 'Carbon\\Cli';
protected function runWithCli(string $className, array $parameters): bool
$cli = new $className();
return $cli(...$parameters);
public function __invoke(...$parameters): bool
if (class_exists(self::CLI_CLASS_NAME)) {
return $this->runWithCli(self::CLI_CLASS_NAME, $parameters);
$function = (($parameters[1] ?? '') === 'install' ? ($parameters[2] ?? null) : null) ?: 'shell_exec';
$function('composer require carbon-cli/carbon-cli --no-interaction');
echo 'Installation succeeded.';
return true;
* Thanks to for his suggestion:
namespace Carbon\Doctrine;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform;
interface CarbonDoctrineType
public function getSQLDeclaration(array $fieldDeclaration, AbstractPlatform $platform);
public function convertToPHPValue($value, AbstractPlatform $platform);
public function convertToDatabaseValue($value, AbstractPlatform $platform);
* Thanks to for his suggestion:
namespace Carbon\Doctrine;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform;
class CarbonImmutableType extends DateTimeImmutableType implements CarbonDoctrineType
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getName()
return 'carbon_immutable';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function requiresSQLCommentHint(AbstractPlatform $platform)
return true;
* Thanks to for his suggestion:
namespace Carbon\Doctrine;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform;
class CarbonType extends DateTimeType implements CarbonDoctrineType
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getName()
return 'carbon';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function requiresSQLCommentHint(AbstractPlatform $platform)
return true;
* Thanks to for his suggestion:
namespace Carbon\Doctrine;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Carbon\CarbonInterface;
use DateTimeInterface;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\ConversionException;
use Exception;
trait CarbonTypeConverter
protected function getCarbonClassName(): string
return Carbon::class;
public function getSQLDeclaration(array $fieldDeclaration, AbstractPlatform $platform)
$precision = ($fieldDeclaration['precision'] ?: 10) === 10
? DateTimeDefaultPrecision::get()
: $fieldDeclaration['precision'];
$type = parent::getSQLDeclaration($fieldDeclaration, $platform);
if (!$precision) {
return $type;
if (strpos($type, '(') !== false) {
return preg_replace('/\(\d+\)/', "($precision)", $type);
[$before, $after] = explode(' ', "$type ");
return trim("$before($precision) $after");
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
public function convertToPHPValue($value, AbstractPlatform $platform)
$class = $this->getCarbonClassName();
if ($value === null || is_a($value, $class)) {
return $value;
if ($value instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
return $class::instance($value);
$date = null;
$error = null;
try {
$date = $class::parse($value);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
$error = $exception;
if (!$date) {
throw ConversionException::conversionFailedFormat(
'Y-m-d H:i:s.u or any format supported by '.$class.'::parse()',
return $date;
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
public function convertToDatabaseValue($value, AbstractPlatform $platform)
if ($value === null) {
return $value;
if ($value instanceof DateTimeInterface || $value instanceof CarbonInterface) {
return $value->format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u');
throw ConversionException::conversionFailedInvalidType(
['null', 'DateTime', 'Carbon']
* Thanks to for his suggestion:
namespace Carbon\Doctrine;
class DateTimeDefaultPrecision
private static $precision = 6;
* Change the default Doctrine datetime and datetime_immutable precision.
* @param int $precision
public static function set(int $precision): void
self::$precision = $precision;
* Get the default Doctrine datetime and datetime_immutable precision.
* @return int
public static function get(): int
return self::$precision;
* Thanks to for his suggestion:
namespace Carbon\Doctrine;
use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\VarDateTimeImmutableType;
class DateTimeImmutableType extends VarDateTimeImmutableType implements CarbonDoctrineType
use CarbonTypeConverter;
protected function getCarbonClassName(): string
return CarbonImmutable::class;